originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
Worms = Ahamkara
The Speaker = Taox
Sathona = "Warlock"
Xi Ro= "Titan"
Aurash = "Hunter"
Edited by Ronin: 9/23/2015 4:26:01 AMAurash is oryx
I really only agree with the ahamkara one. The speaker one might be possible but would be kinda weird.
I'm a Titan goddamn it.
Oryx the First Navigator who must endlessly explore the cosmos lest he be devoured by his own curiosity? I think that sounds more like a parallel to our Hunters, the Masters of the Frontier who first scouted beyond the Wall. No I'd say the ancient Knight and God of War Xivu Arath is the Dark version of our Titans.
Oh you were talking about that, yes I'm a hunter, but I'd rather play as a Titan.
Oryx is a Warlock, if anything. But they're not Guardians anyway, so...
Indeed they are not Guardians but they are dark equivalents, its pretty clear when you read about the differences between them. They are based on the same three ideals. Of course as Aurash becomes Oryx and grows in power and subsumes his siblings they become less distinct but especially in the early verses its rather obvious that they are meant to be metaphorical parallels. Sathona the "cutting mind" Xi Ro the "brave sister" who "yearns to become a Knight" and Aurash the "lonely navigator". Do those not sound like Warlock, Titan, and Hunter to you?
I know this is based off of pre-release content but there was concept art where there were matured give worms that had wings. Looked nothing like dragons though. They look more like a moth/wasp hybrid if I remember right. But like I said. Pre-release concept art of something not seen in game so it's just another theory really
I think everyone is missing the point, how was Taox still possibly alive? She never ingested the parasite that gave the hive their immortality. Their lives before the worm Gods were so short....surely neutering them doesn't make them live for millennia like she apparently has..... A nice lore post on Taox would be nice
Who knows what the lifespans were for the mothers of the krill people but I'm sure the extended life span applied to Taox despite being sterile.
What I mean is before the worms, they spoke about living only 8-10 years. How long one year for them was who knows, but later oryx talks about 20,000 years of killing and spending 1000 years fighting just the ecumene. How could Taox still be alive, yet oryx seems to think she still is
Taox was a Mother, who did not abide by the Krill's 8-10 year life span. She could still be alive, as it was never specified how long Mothers live for.
To be fair, there was a part wherein that one of the civlizations in the Book of Sorrow noted meeting Taox, who revealed the true identity of the recently transformed Oryx and siblings (if I remember) and her relationship to them. This was if I remember in the hind end of one of the wars. I -think-it was the Ecumene, so this was about 20,100 years after, give or take, the beginning.
I too had this thought the other night laying around reading lore. We are like Oryx in the fact that we cannot die outside of our realm (earth maybe) as we were resurrected by "motes of light" (i.e. our ghosts). We learn to fight and defend knowing ghost will revive us and we do this almost blindly. We can even resurrect ourselves, I'm looking at you warlocks. To be honest, to me, the story of Oryx and the struggle for death and the spread of the Darkness is a mirror story of the Struggle of our Traveler and the survival of Light. It is the classic good vs. evil story. It shows that it is much easier to be the dark (as evidenced by the vast spread of Oryx's darkness and mass species extermination) than it is to be the Light. All we can do is speculate, as we don't have the answers. But your comparison, while might not be taken as literal as the asshat that is giving you crap states, it is a VERY real duality of the Destiny universe. I just wish that this lore was more integrated into the actual game....maybe one day.
I made a similar comment on reddit. The traveler has a dark mirror right? What if the evil traveler uses worms to spread darkness like our traveler uses ghosts to spread light ? both grant power and some form of immortality to snuff out the opposite side.
This is about the stupidest thing I have ever seen.
Is that all you got?
Like it's just so stupid to the point where I don't need to disprove it
Do I need to explain the Ahamkara one too? Did you read the books of sorrow??
Edited by BrotherWalker: 9/22/2015 3:55:12 PM- No proof Speaker is human - No proof Speaker comes from Earth - Never seen Speaker's face - Speaker has been with the Traveler for centuries -Speaker has a special bond with the Traveler -Taox ran from the Hive with the Traveler - Taox was a Hive mother and thus could live much longer than others of her species - Taox's species were bipedal and three eyed - Gender doesn't work the same for them as it does for humans so just because it is a 'male' voice doesn't determine the Speaker's gender I know I know speculation and convenient circumstances are just so dumb it's like I don't even have a brain.
Speaker is a position. The one we know today hasn't always been the Speaker.
And how do you know? The Speaker grimoire says only that there has always been a Speaker and that they are anonymous with an unusual connection to the Traveler. Do you have more info?
Warlocks can sense darkness if the speaker was give they would know. The ahamkara are dragon like. And hive worms are worms. The Titan warlock and hunter doesn't even make sense: those are classes not a single thing or person.
I forget which book it is but there is a book where Yul describes himself as long, and winged which sounds dragon like. Also, old English called dragons Wyrms. Old Germanic called dragons Wurms. There could be connection there.
Oryx has wings too. Doesn't mean he is arhamkara. But the theory is plausible