Don't know what I01 is?
[spoiler]It's a fan made Halo game for PC, Linux, and Mac. It is being created under Microsoft's Fair Use Policy, and has come a long way since its reveal last July. Our creative director and project lead is TheChunkierBean, and he leads about 20 people who have been dutifully pitching in with their free time. We are composed of students, professionals, and hobbyists who share a burning love for Halo.[/spoiler]
[u][b]April Updates! [/b][/u]
[b]o[/b] Engineering for both gameplay and networking continues to move forward at a good pace.
[b]o[/b] Camera mode added for the sake of taking sexy screenshots. (see below)
[b]o[/b] Content creation battle plan in place.
[b]o[/b] [url=]Still looking for more artists/highly skilled engineers[/url]
[b]o[/b] We have a [url=]SubReddit [/url]([url=]it's still being worked on[/url])
[b]o[/b] Spartan II armor model is being adjusted slightly to have more accurate proportions.
[b]o[/b] Our website can be found at [url][/url] expect to find something there soon.
More Screenshots (a work in progress, disregard bird poo trees):
Those were all taken on our test map, it's basically a tech demonstration of the quality that will be applied to the classic maps we are remaking. I wanted to get you guys some shots of a spartan or two in the environment, but since the model got thrown back into the oven we didn't have a completed one handy.
Keep an eye on the Reddit and our website in order to be the first to know when release more updates :)
-Progo, gopher and megaphone guy for Installation01
P.S. I forgot the logo we operate under [url][/url]
gibe september update when?