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I will contribute.
I basically play online everyday.
my GT is KTninjaBONE
I'm lvl 31 Hunter
lvl 23 Warlock
lvl 15 Titian
(want help to max out my level)
and I'm in search for a fireteam
I play PvP. But I want to do Raids as well
and I need help to unlock PoE
I need to do House of Wolves missions (to unlock PoE)
I need to do some of the Dark Below missions as well.
So hopefully someone will help me out and I will help you guys to!
and Just to make friends along the way as well.
I'm on Xbox 360. GT is the same as my Username.
Hey, id love to join you, I have a lvl 35 hunter (both bladedancer and gunslinger fully lvled up) and a lvl 31 worlock (void) GT Shyguy1993 i have all three expansions so any raid will do message me on twitter so that i know irl when you want to raid....... @dancingbrony