originally posted in:Mr Fruits Fruit Salad
Hello fellow guardians. We are a fairly new PS4 group with a very active clan, and we have 179 members as of now and are trying to increase our numbers to grow a strong army to take on all of Destiny's new enemies. We are looking for any players of any skill level. Even if you have never been through a raid before we are here to help. As a group we try to do all of the weekly raids, strikes, story missions, and are also getting ready to face The Taken King in the new King's Fall raid. Even if your a all in Crucible player we have a spot for you in our team. If your looking for a community of guardians that like to have fun even if our objectives do not get completed (we always have next week.) and are actively committed to helping each other with whatever we are the group for you. If you are interested in joining or need more information message me here or on PlayStation.
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