Thanks Robert I'll try that when I get back online. I'm thinking maybe sword was intended only for Hunter BUT why would Titan have the quest.
Edited by Robertbert: 9/22/2015 6:24:35 PMNo probs!... :) ... I'd gotten into a kind of obsessive farming thing for a while this morning, then it was all "Hang on, Son said something about 25...Hmmmm..."...One Google later... There really should be a quest update at the 25 mark... Hey-ho...Something for Bungie to work on... At least my Speaker's Thorn-bug's gone!...[i]That[/i] was a tad annoying... :D ...
I have it on my Titan. The quest completion marker doesn't show up, you just have to talk to Lord Shaxx with 25 flakes and 10 motes of light.
FunkyB very cool, so I don't have to pull out more hair. Sigh of relief ! Big question ... can I take my extra 16 Hadium Flakes and transfer to another guardian and get a jump on the sword quest???
I don't see why not, the quest doesn't track the flakes, it just checks to see if you have them when talk to Shaxx. I only am leveling the one character right now so I haven't tried it.