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9/22/2015 9:23:00 PM

FAQs- Frequently asked questions

-Do we have a YouTube channel & what's the quickest we to get there? Answer: Yes as a matter in fact we do & the quickest way, look at the top right corner. -Are their exceptions for those who are under 14? Answer: If they're mature & cooperative then yes. -What type of government/regime are we? Answer: We're an Oligarchy. -How do I rank up? Answer: Look at 'How to get promoted' under Ranking Structure. -Do we have to be in proper outfitting? Answer: Yes, always. -Can an officer have you demoted & possibly kicked out? Answer: With valid reasoning yes. -When would there be any delay(s)? Answer: Usually when there's a shortage of people online. -How would I know when we're conducting any operations(s)? Answer: A high ranking Officer would message you at least an hour in advance. -How do I become an Officer. Answer: You must have leadership qualities & exceed the experience required. -Where do I go for the training? Answer: To a Commanding Officer, further instructions may be obtained beyond that point. -Can I train the person I recruited? Answer: If you're a Sergeant then yes but if not then you need someone qualified to do so unless you have special permission from a Heirarch &/or a General. -Who can I go to for questions, advice, & anything you can do to help lend a hand? Answer: It's best to go to a General or the Commander. -Where can I find out who're officers? Answer: Go to the Officers page. -What's a Brotherhood? Answer: Not only comradeship but also having each others backs. -When do I receive my promotion? Answer: During a meeting of formation usually. -Can a General or Commander become member of the month? Answer: No, Because they've reached the maximum rank obtained. -May a member who's discharged for in activeness rejoin? Answer: Yes.
#faqs #info

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