originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
There hasn't just been one Speaker. There have been many. And even if Taox survived long enough (some 25,000 years compared to her lifespan of ~10), she is a Hive mother. She could not be a male Speaker
Edited by BrotherWalker: 9/23/2015 1:37:52 AMCan you tell me where you got info about there being more than one Speaker? And Taox was not hive, she was proto-hive. Oryx used to be female, and I haven't heard anyone else assign the Speaker a gender they just assume the Speaker is male because of their voice but they wear full body covering and no one has seen their face. As far as I could tell the Hive gods did not yet find Taox and fulfill their blood oath. If Taox is still on the loose where else would she hide? Would she not cling to the Traveler and convince us to do whatever we could to repair and revive it?
Proto-Hive had a lifespan of only around ten years, and Taox was a mother. She was locked into that role. We infer that there has been more than one Speaker because a) there has always been a Speaker and b) Osiris was a Speaker in-training before he was exiled
I see nothing in the Osiris grimoire suggesting he was ever a "speaker in training" though i would be interested to see that info if you can link it to me somewhere and the Proto-Hive [i]males[/i] had a ten year life span but in her own words Taox the sterile mother "lived long" and was chased by the Hive for centuries. And finally the only "Male" thing about the Speaker is their voice so we assume its going to be some Bill Nighy looking old dude underneath but there is nothing confirming the Speaker is a rotating position, or that the speaker is in fact a human/awoken/exo, and to be honest i cant even find anything confirming the Speaker to be male except maybe some in-game dialogue pronouns. It pretty much comes down to the fact that neither one of us can say for sure because we just dont know whats under that mask.
Some of Brother Vance's dialogue implies that Osiris was the Speaker's apprentice, and the Osiris card seems to be from the point of view of the Speaker