originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
Yeah im leaning towards sister or someone oryx killed off. Like the race that supposedly wiped out from total existence
I think Mara is 100% Awoken, possibly one of the first
But i wonder if she was one of those Eucemene (spelling)
I doubt it. She obviously had no experience with Oryx before. Also, Oryx doesn't seem like the kind of guy to assume that an entire race is extinct; he would make sure every last one was exterminated
She knew oryx tho. In the cutscenes she talks about how "he should have never made it out of that pit" or something
She was talking about her Hidden friend, Eris, who escaped the Hellmouth
The queen--not Eros, said that.
I know. The Queen said it, talking about Eris
Haha true Hes such a -blam!-er
Haha true Hes such a -blam!-er