originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
Who knows what the lifespans were for the mothers of the krill people but I'm sure the extended life span applied to Taox despite being sterile.
What I mean is before the worms, they spoke about living only 8-10 years. How long one year for them was who knows, but later oryx talks about 20,000 years of killing and spending 1000 years fighting just the ecumene. How could Taox still be alive, yet oryx seems to think she still is
Taox was a Mother, who did not abide by the Krill's 8-10 year life span. She could still be alive, as it was never specified how long Mothers live for.
To be fair, there was a part wherein that one of the civlizations in the Book of Sorrow noted meeting Taox, who revealed the true identity of the recently transformed Oryx and siblings (if I remember) and her relationship to them. This was if I remember in the hind end of one of the wars. I -think-it was the Ecumene, so this was about 20,100 years after, give or take, the beginning.