"You can ask me."
"So then, what is the difference?"
Edited by HickoryHamMike: 9/23/2015 2:53:26 PM"The FN4 has high recoil, short range, and lacks ridges for sights, but has a higher impact than the other two pistols. The Pinn-7 has lower recoil, short to medium range, and has ridges for sights, but has a low impact. Then the Calvin Barker 3.44 has high recoil, short to medium range, and has as much impact as an FN4. The FN4 and Pinn-7 take 9mms, while the Calvin takes .45s."
"The pinn it is then. 500 you said?"
"Yep, for the gun. 50 for each 9mm."
"Alright I'll take the pistol and ten rounds then." [spoiler]9mm rounds at 50 credits each? Inflation is pretty bad...[/spoiler]
Edited by HickoryHamMike: 9/23/2015 3:59:54 PM((Yep. Government here makes it expensive so less people it, leading to less crime)) "Alright." The clerk gives you the pistol and the 10 9mms. "1,000 Credits, please."
[spoiler]i wish it were that simple, making an artificial scarcity like this only leads to organized crime taking up the slack. There's a reason the mob's power increased during the prohibition.[/spoiler] He uses his tacpad to transfer the funds, muttering something about highway robbery.