This is the Official Taken King Team Finder!
Here you can find people will to do anything in the new Taken King DLC whether it's raids, strikes, court of oryx, or even the story.
Be sure to state:
- Gamertag
- Light Level
- What mission you want to do
About me:
Light Level: 300+ on all my characters
Favourite Class: Hunter (Currently Nightstalker)
Gamertag: TurtleMasterz
Follow me and Invite me I'm always down to do anything in this sick new DLC
Remember to share this forum with your friends!
Keep up the great work Guardians!
Want to do some court of oryx - need at least 3
lvl 292 hunter. Looking to do nightfall. Gt same as above. Msg on xbox.
Need one for taken King earth. Rocketyard. Message gt. SpaceDandybby
Need 1 at oryx cp. message for invite
Need 1 for fresh raid message SuperxNova Mtn for invite
283 Hunter here looking for a good group of guardians to help me through my 1st taken king nightfall, add me same name as above
Lvl 296 hunter looking for team to do Promethean code, daily, or a new den. Invite jtrothmann
Hey I'm looking for a team that's really good and high light level.Im a hunter my light level is 305
Need 2 for fears embrace at boss message kevcg12 for invite
Looking to do some crucible I'm up for anything just need a fireteam gt Devildog9191
Need ppl for antiquated rune
Looking for someone with a charged argonarch rune for a calcified fragment Msg me please will help with rest of search if necessary Gt:erocson
Need two for taken King rather champions earth. Message gt. SpaceDandybby
Zengamer12, looking for people with stolen runes to do my fragments. Any light level above 240 is cool, I myself can buy some runes from Eris. Msg me on Xbox.
Need 2 to kill taken champions on earth for taken war quest. Gt same
Ofresh Need 4 298+ Must have completed it Msg GT: Jupitoh
Doing court of oryx gt is same
Trying to do the daily then maybe some crucible or heroic missions. Palsyboy38
Could I get 2 people on XB1 to do Daily Heroic Story. GT is same as above.
Need help with echo of oryx mission on Phobos. This is the last step on getting the touch of malice. Need one more 285+ light. GT: Insane Quality
This is my alt, I know what I'm doing. 297 warlock looking for fresh raid. I have touch of malice
Need help with echo of oryx mission on Phobos. This is the last step on getting the touch of malice. Need one more 285+ light. GT: Insane Quality
Looking to help somebody who has a charged agonarch ruin 300+ hunter inv me
I need someone with a charged agonarch rune or a couple worm singer's runes would finish my fragments
Looking for 2 for fresh run
Need 4 for sisters [u][i][b]must know how to do[/b][/i][/u] 295+ light for quick finish