The only thing I see, is titans are the only class that can't be effectively showed m sniped out of their super. If the hammer can regen your health, make it where I can kill you with golden gun, or a headshot.
I get you a hundred percent an im just saying ive been golden gunned out of sunbreaker with full health a few times but im just saying my experience as a sunbreaker
Understandable, but you have reasoning, these other titans are hypocritical, because Hunter op need nerf, now that they are ridiculously overpowered, they just tell us to deal with it, and they're better because they're finally balanced
I feel with the new subclasses the classes are balanced people call me stupid but thats just me an ive been playing since February annever felt like anything needed a nerf cause its all situational like people dodge my hammers and I can shoot a blade dancer with a whole mag as he rushes me an warlocks have thousand mile melee but its space magic so eh I like that every super has its place an sunbreaker is said to be powerful an it is but not unstoppable for me at least I dont think any supers should be nerfed an wish we could enjoy them as is but as I said this is my idea an experience I respect all classes I just love my titan an will stay with him if it does get smashed to the ground