That's right I haven't seen somebody do this reply to this thread and I will make a perk name and description feel free to try other people too!
Pick me
Hit me
I wanna see what my modifier is
I have almost 1,000 replies lol good luck. Also do me, I would have it just add a time limit.
You could probably do something fun with mine...
The modifier should be named "Semen Soaker" [b] [/b] Have fun.
Fall Damage 24/7
Id say my modifier is "The Chief" When doing activity solo you get bonus health, damage, ammo drops, and ability charge
Please do it
Lol. Go!
Try me.
Just do it ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Come on. I dare you
Go for it.
Sounds cool
Do it
My gt is revo vengeance
This... is going to be fun!