I am a 294 HUNT with good weaps, inv me for black spindle
Hunter 301 looking for group add me name same as above
Hunter 301 looking for group add me name same, as above
Need 2 Who can help mee
Need 2 on ps4 add ivanocampo13
312 warlock already with a black spindle
Hunter 302 looking for group add me name same as above
307 titan looking for spindel run. Inv
Need two good for Black spindel
Looking to run with two 300+ ads bignick77
Just need 1 more on PS4...
PS4 Super_Bilbo 296 Titan Got so close last night but one guy left the fireteam with 3 mins to go and the boss was dead.... INVITE ME NOW!!!!
Who WANNA do black spindel ps3 reply pls
Edited by Claireon_Call: 10/15/2015 9:29:20 AM
Warlock lv 301 invite taiifun
297 hunter lfg invite dasbraune
Can't go it. It's not the daily
Anyone doing this? I wanna do it
Light level 294 warlock need a decent team for this...teams i been with qe havent been able to do enough dps to down boss before time expires :/
Edited by QuesoFresco44: 10/1/2015 12:05:02 AMNeed a titan for black spindle. Experienced please. Add quesofresco44
Need one person to do black spindel gt is the same as here join if intrested
Need 1 290+ person (warlock preferably) to get black spindle on ps3. Add Vizulizing
I beat it.. it need sword and firefly weapons to beat the game.. kill minions first with sword because it powerful and fast. if your health low take cover under tunnels and behind walls.. you need ability on fast recover. I had less two mins and I run out of ammo...
302 light titan and 294 light hunter need one more send msg to Th3xroyalxflush
Is that mission back? Because I'm in!
Spindle* it isn't that hard to spell it.