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Im looking for more people to play Destiny with. I always use my mic which makes runs 10x easier. Currently a Light 262 Titan but I'll accept any request as long as you're gearing up. I mainly want people to form Fireteams for the Daily Heroic Story and Daily Heroic Strike until I get over light 280 and can run Nightfall. Add me and shoot me a message that says you saw my post on here. I'll accept for sure.
GT is Toddler Tunnel
Hoping I can find some decent players so I'm never stuck without anyone or stuck with the people of matchmaking that bail leaving the rest of the group screwed. Hope to be seeing some friend requests soon!
I'm at work but will be on later. GT is Leftover Llama. Hunter light 290, I'm down to do whatever. Usually play around 4 pm PST