Listen to this. I've done the raid from beginning [i]through[/i] Golgoroth, twice. Ok? I've gotten nothing. Nothing but shards. [i]Except[/i] on Golgoroth, I got 303 boots the first time through. Cool right? Yeah it was cool until I got boots again from him the second time, but at 302. Everything but Golgoroth: nothing. What's up with these drops? How am I supposed to be 295 to beat Oryx if I can't even get stuff from the Raid??
No joke man!!! Same exact thing happens to me but with arms.. First time all shards. Gorgoroth get 307 arms.. Second week.. All shards.. Gorgoroth .. 302 arms.. Like what the -blam!-? "Forever 29 days are over" "you will get stuff that matter and stuff you want" yeah.. I really wanted -blam!-ing shards every drop. Thanks