"Well then what are you. A monster who kills for sport, an ordinary guardian which is very unlikely, a merc, or some weird killer?"
Edited by Storm Wizard620: 9/24/2015 10:04:42 PM"A Rogue."
"You mean Rogue? Because rouge is the color red in French" *The hunter chuckles*
"No need to be sorry. So since your a rogue you'll be in the weird killer category"
"Okay check that off"
"I kinda hate you."
"Love you too" *The hunter chuckles*
"Rawr. Am I fitting in yet ghost?" [i]Guardian don't you have more important things to do?[/i] "Nope"
"Make him leave."
"You're a downer for a hunter. Is Eris Morn your role model or something?" *The hunter twirls his Chaperone*
"No. But we have a similar story."
"Well does it go like" *The hunter tries to imitate Eris but he does a shitty job* "Six of us went into the pit. I came out" *He chuckles* "So that's your reason for not having fun"
"Sort of."
"Well can I hear it?"
"Well then you're just teasing me with it"
"And?! You got a problem with it?!"
"Relax no need to yell"
*there's a roar in the distance* "You're right."
"I wonder what that is?"
"Probably an ogre."
"Or a taken champion. Like a fanatic of crota or something"