Hey if you're broke maybe you should work an extra job and not worry about video games? #priorities
It's not that easy to get a job lmao. Let me guess you're 12
I'm 23 and make 6 figures. Go fly a kite. It's actually EXCEPTIONALLY easy to find a job if you're not a lazy PoS.
Keep telling yourself that lmao. If you make 6 figures what's your job then?
I'm not telling myself, I'm telling you. I own a chain of dry cleaners.
Top kek lmao if you wanna make it believable come up with something better
Ya so you're def the 12 year old.
It's not too hard to believe.. I drive freight trains for 6 figures.
How long per week?
Paid for 38 hrs no matter what
What state
Why tf would I lie on an anonymous forum?
Uhh.. I'm agreeing with you as I'm in the same boat as you??
I know if just reiterating the fact that there's no reason to man, thanks! My reply was intended for the other guy anyways dunno why it went here :/