I have continuously been let down by patch 2.0. They killed shotguns. It has taken me a full clip of 6 point blank range shotgun shots in order to take down one yellow when the enemy is at light level 240 and 280 and I am 295. There is no point to using a shotgun if it is not going to deal crazy amounts of damage. High risk high reward. Bungie has taken away the high reward part of the equation. The shotguns should not have been nerfed 45 percent. That is -blam!-ing half. PvP can suck a dick because the massive shotgun nerf did not fix the amount of shotguns being used in PvP. The ONLY people who are truly affected by the nerf are the PvE players.
A side note. I have The Chaperone and it shoots slugs. It should have the furthest range of ANY shotgun. Does it? -blam!- no.
Secondly, rocket launchers are pretty much useless now since I have not seen one with tracking. The only rocket launcher I have seen with any type of aiming assist is the Future War Cult's rocket launcher. Other than that machine guns are the way to go in Destiny. The new mechanics that have been introduced have destroyed the usability of the rocket launcher. A possible AoE buff could be used since the commonality of aim assist perks has significantly dropped in my opinion. Not only did they leave the most sought after gun behind (Ghorn) they also killed the rocket launcher class all together. How many of you have a rocket launcher with either tracking or proxy det? Perhaps I am one of those unlucky people who have not been blessed with a rocket launcher that helps counter the movement mechanics of the taken i.e. I shoot a rocket at the ground at them and they simply teleport out of the way without failure.
This is my analysis from what I have been using now that TTK has come out.
EDIT: I know tracking is a perk for all rockets, I am just pointing out that it seems very rare compared to year one content.
I have a near max impact rocket with tracking, field scout, battle runner. Could be better with tripod instead of battle runner but its still a good perk and near perfect! Anyway, I've gotten good perks with my other rockets to. The Future War Cult vendor rocket is an excellent one you can get fairly easy as well.
Simple fact is, PVE and PVP need to be separated for balancing. That's time and $ that Bungievision will just not go for. Increased time to completion does not equal increased quality. A [b]longer[/b] mission does not mean a [b]better[/b] mission. Bungie's vision is very obvious here: 2 more seconds for ice breaker, white nail for black spindle still pulls from reserves, across the board nerf for hand cannons, and ghally was neutered, and so on. To this day, I just cannot understand how me going through a mission faster removed the option for someone else to play whatever way they wanted. It's all about $ people. You are fooling yourself if you think it's about anything else, longer time to completion boosts playtime stats for bungie to show their shareholders and investors: "look how [b]long[/b] our player base is playing this game, obviously that means they love it!" I am enjoying TTK's mechanics, I really am, but man did they sheet on year 1 players. Ascend year 1 gear already, let me play the way I want. It wasn't hurting anyone.
Now have Legendary shotgun. Did not notice at first it only holds three rounds. Went after Hive major and had to run away to reload, since three rounds to his face did not kill him. Cannot understand the reasoning behind creating a shotgun that has such a low magazine count. Its the frickin future after all. Shotguns have been holding many more rounds. And, my "Legendary" has less range than a SWORD!!! Is Bungie serious?
I swear, the PvP, and even some PvE players want this game handed to them on a silver platter. It's a total crock; nobody wants a challenge, they just want everything to be easy. They've complained about EVERYTHING (list includes general categories and weapon specific): -Valus Ta'aurc -Skolas -Thorn -Hawkmoon -Hand Cannons -Auto Rifles -Suros Regime -Hard Light -Fusion Rifles -Plan C -Vex Mythoclast -Shotguns -Found Verdict -Invective -Matador -Party Crasher -Felwinter's -Pulse Rifles -Messenger -Stormcaller -Sunsinger -Sunbreaker -Defender -Striker -Gunslinger -Arc Blade -Final Round -Shot Package -Field Scout This madness has [b]GOT TO STOP[/b]. Most of those have, of course, been nerfed into oblivion, and the only thing nerfing has truly done is cause a bandwagon cycle of people throwing away the overly nerfed weapons for the next strongest weapon, which in turn makes all of the whiny bitches cry even more. Bungie, if any of you are reading this, realize that [b]these people are never going to be pleased, and that nerfing all of these weapons into the ground is not the answer.[/b] You're ruining PvE in trying to appease to this minority of children that are ultimately going to complain about [i]everything[/i] they die to. [i]Bungie, you once said that "If everything is OP, nothing is OP." Hold true to that, strap on some brass balls and stop catering to these whining nerf-herders![/i]
Buddy are you drunk? In the dark below update shotty damage in pve was buffed by 200% then ttk brought that down by 20% that's hardly a pve nerf. They still reck majors and some ultras
Edited by chaozSlaine: 9/25/2015 7:12:53 AMShotguns are about getting in close and personal and for that they are still good!
Edited by FrenetiCreature: 9/24/2015 1:11:04 AMI totally second this! Shotguns are almost worthless now, especially in PvP. Honestly, it's all got to do with people being whiney little brats, "I'm not getting the score I want, because I keep getting killed!" Uh, well that's the point of a gun, it kills you. TLW, Thorn, and now shotguns being nerfed is honestly just ridiculous. I've had my share of run-ins with them, just like everyone else, but guess what? I get over it and move on. I also enjoy employing those same guns sometimes. But, as I write this, I realize that this is only ever going to be a perpetual problem, because those same guys that cried about the Thorn, shotguns etc, are always going to cry about being killed. Whatever weapon they get killed by the most, they are going to whine until it's nerfed, but whatever weapon people find effective after each nerf, they're gonna use, because it's effective. But, those same whiney people will continue to cry about it. It will just keep going and going. As a word to those whiney brats, you're not always gonna have the best score, there's always going to be someone that's better or found a more effective way to kill than you. Get over it and don't be a sore loser. I understand that a lot of (not all) people that play these games and take them so seriously are nerds, that in highschool didn't play real sports, but that's one of the first rules of competition, DON'T BE A SORE LOSER!
The risk/reward makes them nut worth using in PvE since 2.0. Again, thank the crucibabies and a lazy azzed team of devs from Bunghole for not separating weapon stats for PvE vs PvP once again. "Destiny....become mediocre!" "Destiny, because 50 mil a year just isn't enough!"
Wow, I ca see you're quite angry. That is, I dare say Rockets are still good. As good as they're meant to do: cleaning thightly knit ennemies in one big ''Kaboom''. I have a void Suros JLB-47 with Clusters on it, and it's really good actually. You need to move on and let the Ghorn go, guy(or girl, wtv it is). Ghorn was OP. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. Year 2 is here, there's so much more to do and to test. So -blam!- the Ghorn. And about shotguns, really? To think it was high-risk/high-reward before the nerf, you are lying to yourself(was more like no challenge/high-reward). Weapons are really good as it is for now. I don't assume it is perfect, but Bungie is clearly vying for a more balanced experience, and everyone knows that balance fits with diversity, which leads to using every -blam!-ing gun there is in the game. If you need help, I'm on PS4(PSN same as here). If you don't, well stop crying and bitching and go get 'em, guy!
Chaperone does have the longest range, but you have to use it like a short range sniper.
Edited by Uncooked Toast: 9/24/2015 4:31:42 PMI have a rocket with tracking and tripod drop.
I had a Suros launcher drop with tracking but it only has 1 perk slot so I chose not to level it up from 260 so far. Not sure how your shotgun seems so ineffective tbh. I can still kill majors with mine, but I just don't go running at one with full health and expect to defeat it in a few trigger pulls. Maybe consider dealing some damage first and then using the shotgun to finish it off.
From what I understand, the raid rocket launcher can get the tracking perk, but it's random. Can also get cluster bombs or tripod.
Edited by Dexter307: 9/24/2015 1:24:36 PMBut then sword would be useless! Gotta keep shotguns useless for pve so bungle can gives us swords to do the same thing as old shotguns but worse :p
I got a smolder with tracking when I hit 40 then another with tripod and clown cartridge...4 rockets
Shotguns go from zero to hero On a walker 3k damage per shot one step back 3 step forward back to 3 the range drop off is a cliff I got a tracking solar but tracking was always a rare item Titan Technaut helmet gives every rocket tracking
I see what you're saying dude. I was also a little unhappy with how the Chaperone dealt damage. I know there's the TITAN helmet to provide lock on to rockets, and I believe that they buffed rockets (or that may just be my play style, not sure. I do think Chaperone may need something more to stand out.
The chaperone is a joke right now, it's a slug that has pathetic damage and range, I miss the days of BF3 when you could slug snipe XD that was hilarious and yet still somehow not completely OP
Yea bungie -blam!-ed up, they should have made the high impact high range shotguns exotics and the exotics, ledgendaries. Oh well I guess