Per usual, this thread has ignited quite the angst of people trying to get their exotic sword quest done.
Looking for a group for the sunless cell? Look no further.
Drop your PSN below with details pertaining to your situation, and I'm sure you'll get some replies.
Be sure to give this thread a [b]like[/b] to spread the word.
Need 2 for the arc sword
Need 2 for arc Psn: brenny24
ImSSJ4 Need 2 Arc sword.
need 1 more for void 300+ light add Hernandez_D1112
Need 2 for solar. Please be 300+ light Message MsGetCarried
Need 1 more for void exotic sword be 300 light+ add hazelime1994
299 titan i have arc and solar sword quest. Can i do both at once?
Need 2 ppl for exotic void sword be 300 light+ and know what to do add hazelime1994
Light 302 need to do the void one help out add my psn above
Need one for sword quest don't be solar please
I'm gonna need some help sealing the blade soon. I'm running solar. 297 Titan psn dude0182
Need two people doing the void sword once reset happens
Need two people to do deal the blade FOR ARC!! Be 300+ Add willfire26
Need 2 people 300+ for sword quest
Need 2 for void sword. Add Opotiki_Superman
Need 2, I'm running solar
Help with blade of night quest psn same as above
Please reply so I can find this tomorrow. Thanks
Need one more for last part of the voidsword-quest!
need 1 for void sword
EXOTIC VOID SWORD: I need 2 people who know what they're doing. Preferably 295+. Im 300. I'm on the final part of the quest where I need to kill the Void warden and then Alak Hul within 30 seconds. I'm on XboxOne. Gt is TheRedGladiator. You don't need to be on this part of the quest, I would just appreciate any help.
EXOTIC VOID SWORD: I need 2 people who know what they're doing. Preferably 295+. Im 300. I'm on the final part of the quest where I need to kill the Void warden and then Alak Hul within 30 seconds. I'm on XboxOne. Gt is TheRedGladiator. You don't need to be on this part of the quest, I would just appreciate any help.
Need help finishing off the Void exotic sword bounty, anyone willing to give me a hand Add jimmyr96
Need 2 for "sealing the blade", last part! Doing voidsword. Add psn
looking for darkdrinker. psn same as above. light 297.
Doing sunless cell arc sword quest Add check-on-it-_-