originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
The Ahamkara weren't actually hunted to extinction: they fooled the Tower. They are creatures from the Void, and as such, they can change their shape. Ever wonder why the bones on Young Ahamkara's Spine move? Or why the flavor text for the Bones of Eao is "Defy extinction,"?
Edited by Sofa: 9/24/2015 3:03:59 AMI honestly didn't I don't play hunters just know of them. But thank you for the information it has actually helped :P Also is there any way you could proof to me that they fooled the tower? Not being ignorant of your answear would just like to read up on it myself if it's grm card or something.
Along with the aforementioned tidbit that they are shape-shifters who most likely became their own "bones", the final paragraphs of the card detailing the Great Ahamkara Hunt (Legends 3 I believe) say: [quote]And thus the Ahamkara were made extinct, their call silenced, their solipsistic flatteries erased, their great design - if it ever existed - broken. Of this you can be assured, oh reader mine.[/quote] Who else [i]but[/i] the Ahamkara use the phrase "oh _____ mine"?