The daily heroic today, [i]Lost to Light[/i], or whatever it was called I can't remember after playing it over so many times, well it was the greatest mission I've played so far.
Your team designs a game, called Destiny, and your team created one of the greatest works of first person shooter gameplay I have ever had the pleasure of playing. Seriously, you guys created a masterpiece, and I'm only talking about one mission.
Let me break it down
1. The mission is hidden. Yes it becomes viral, but only on the forums, anyone not deeply engaged with the game has no idea it exists, and still won't three months from now.
2. Boarding the fallen ketch from within a different mission is a highly interesting element and I hope you guys incorporate more discoverable treasures.
3. [u]Likely the most important[/u]
- The mission is engineered to the absolute limit. This allows players to complete it and acquire the Black Spindle, with maybe ten seconds left to do so. Brilliant. Absolutely thrilling and competitive.
4. [b]IT IS NOT TOO HARD[/b]
- that's what she said, maybe?
- The only time I ever fail to enjoy this game is when I die way too fast, my weapons don't do enough damage, or I die way too fast.
- This mission is not too hard. I repeat. Guys are requiring light level 290 to compete. I just beat it as a 279. The only people who can't beat this are people who think they're good, and they suck.
5. [i]Mostly just to organize[/i]
- You've taught this community the best gaming advice it could never adhere to before - it takes teamwork to really taste this game for all its juicy goodness. This mission pushed me to play it with like five or six different people (idk it took forever and people kept leaving) and it could not be done until finally finding chemistry with two other skilled guardians. Even then we took three runs at it. Beautiful.
6. I think this mission is perfect.
8. 8/8
9. Just nerf it for anyone who acquired it after today, not gonna make a huge difference anyway tho, people have to [b][i][u]EARN[/u][/i][/b] this gun and look at everyone crie evryteime.
10. end
Wtf is black spindle?
It will be nerfed no matter when you got it
Masterpiece? Have you ever played halo, mass effect (the first one), or goldeneye? All these brought more to the industry than Destiny [b]and[/b] were far better designed given the date of release. In this day and age destiny is a joke of a game, straight up.
Lol masterpiece this is barely mmo design 101. It's done well but far from innovative. Crash bandicoot did this. It also revealed the biggest problem with the new light system. Enemies need to be on the same light system not a meaningless 41. Many went into this seeing 240 and while many realized they were higher level. Many still have no idea what the recommended light level is for it.
It was a pretty good mission and I liked how it was "hidden" and I got the black spindle also a ship dropped aswel. We ended up finishing it with 1:42 left. It was good. Tho so many damn screamers in one area, that was the only thing that kind of annoyed me but the mission was able to be done and the reward at the end worth the effort. I'm guessing there's something hidden for the "no time to explain" pulse rifle aswel. Hope bungie incorporates more of this type of thing into the missions :)
Edited by Benzene21: 9/25/2015 9:52:16 PMIt's a bad mission. It's hard and challenging but that does not mean it is great. The raid is challenging but it is also fun and well designed. This mission is not. There are no mechanics. It's just a bunch of adds with a boss that spams his attack. There is nothing creative here.
Y the f nerf it. Tgere is no point nerfing it. Why give some people 310 and others 290
I enjoy cryptic secrets. Bungie used to have them all over the place in the Halo games. Make more secret stuff. Make us earn our rewards.
I have to agree. This was [i]brutal[/i] to actually obtain. Had 8 seconds left when my team cleared it. Spent a good 4 to 5 hours actually trying till we found a strategy that worked. Kinda already bothered they are nerfing this. And if its to bring it in line with other exotics, then why is Touch of Malice also a 310?
This was actually one of the few exotics that players earned. Now they're nerfing it... smh at Bungie.
11. Already got nerfed
Yeah, I loved this as well - but that being said, I'm NEVER doing that special mission again, the many hours we spend grinding it out and perfecting our strategies was quite enough :P Allthough, it was quite satisfying when all three of us - simultaneously - screamed into our mics when we finally completed it (I don't know how close we where but I'd guess around 10 seconds time left). The joy was even greater than when Gjallarhorn first dropped for me. People who have the Black Spindle can honestly say they earned it - a very hard task for a very good weapon.
Edited by PlutoIsAPlanet: 9/24/2015 9:39:19 AMDon't worry they are nerfing from 310 to 290 *sigh*. Well thank god I used it in Oryx very well.
The only part I'm disappointed about is its getting a nerf from 310 to 290
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