Whoa there, people. Let's calm down here. It's just an Internet forum, after all.
Hick, there's no reason to leave just because Desert got mad. It's nothing the two of you can't work out. I enjoyed this place, and I don't want it falling apart over partisanship. If you would consider keeping the thread alive for just a few days more while we all talk this out, that'd be great.
Desert, you can't be unhappy because you didn't get proper recognition right away. All the admins have to work together to make this place functional. Even though the new expansion was your idea, and Hick forgot to stick your name on it, doesn't mean you have to leave in a huff.
Please, everyone. Let's be reasonable for halt a second.
The point wasn't for him to leave. He's just become a little tyrannical making the admins run his RP for him. If he had just agreed to work with us in cooperation rather than make us work for him, this would have gone smoother. He already said he didn't care for cyberpunk anymore...and if he's gonna be in charge, why leave it alone to a guy who has no interest for it. I'm not gonna RP anymore, people think I'm overthrowing but Hick took an argument too far and just gave up, I merely came back to prove my point and he walks out.
Right. So the best thing is to talk this out. I can mediate for you, if you need me to.