"We're from the government of the planet Xanar. The reason for this man's arrest is none of your concern."
[spoiler]well played.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]You know me[/spoiler]
"I suppose not."
I walk into the hangar, drinking "Yo Phantom, who are the stiffs?"
A escapee, and his chaser.
I nod "Mhm. What are we going to do with them?"
Uh... Right now I'm gonna have them talk it out.
"If you want, you can give them to Sheyen. He's really gotten into philosophy. It'll put them right to sleep."
Who the hell is Sheyen?
"He's the alien that you put the translator on."
The British one, right. Yeah, if they don't play nice I'll hand them right over
"I feel bad for them now..."