Despite the eerie silence, the voice was quiet. Exidaun became more cautious. [i]Who could be here besides me?[/i] The Ghost began to scan the building in pulse waves. On Exidaun's HUD he could see his environment around him in broken fragments. It was just enough for him to make his way down the hall toward the mysterious voice. He approached a room down the hall and hid himself against the door frame as he peered inside. With his Ghost's scans he could see a moving figure, but the pulses were too quick to make out what it was. Exidaun waited in his hiding place to see what the strange figure would do next.
"Just need a piece of metal... How could they not have any?" The voice sounded Fallen
[i]Fallen. Speaking... English? I need to figure out its motives before I approach.[/i] Exidaun picked up a small chunk of cement that had broken off the wall and gave it a good toss down the hallway. The impact of the rock made a clearly audible *crack* that echoed through the dark halls.
It perked it's head up. It was rather large. A Kell maybe? "Probably just some sort of wild life."
Edited by Exidaun: 9/26/2015 1:34:25 AMExidaun, taking note that the strange Fallen dismissed the noise rather than being on edge, decided to approach the being with caution. He slowly stepped forward with his hands in the air, to show he was unarmed. "Ahem... Looking for something in particular?" Exidaun stated with confidence. It was still pitch black in the room. Nothing to be seen, but plenty heard.
"Any sort of paper thin piece of metal lying around."
Edited by Exidaun: 9/26/2015 1:44:51 AM"Pretty bold of you. Giving away your motive so easily to a stranger. Then again, the same can be said about my approach to you. What I'm really interested in is why you need this, paper thin metal, was it?"
"Trying to design a light, yet fast and durable sparrow."
"Now, why would a Fallen... Need a sparrow? Not to mention a Fallen that knows English? You're different than the Fallen I fight day to day, aren't you?"
"Most likely. And the sparrow isn't for me. For a friend of mine,"
Exidaun crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. His Ghost appeared at his side and he nodded to it. It's light turned on, illuminating the Fallen he had been speaking with. "So, mind telling me about this friend of yours? I'm looking for something here too."
"Well what do you wanna know about her?"
"Her... Ok, well, who is she exactly? A guardian?"
Edited by Exidaun: 9/26/2015 8:11:24 AMExidaun stood, wondering why this Fallen would need to help a guardian. "Anything else? Where she is? Why you work with her? Anything that might help me."
"Why do you need to know?"
"No particular reason... You need information, I need information. Simple as that." Exidaun pulled over an office chair and sat in it backwards. "What troubles me is why you haven't asked why I'm here..."
"Don't need to. I already know."
"Is that so?" Exidaun leaned back a little in his chair. "And for what reason would you say I'm here?"
"Let's see. You sound like that of an Exo. Exo's memories are usually wiped from time to time. You're here to try and find out something about before you were wiped.
"Not exactly, but...more or less."
"Close enough.
"There must be some reason we met other than to discuss our reasons for being in this deserted place... How about I hear your story, then I can tell you what I remember of mine. Maybe we can work towards some closure. Let's face it... A Fallen of your size and demeanor working with one other than your kind? There's gotta be some background to this."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, there must be a story behind you. No normal Fallen speaks English and looks to build a sparrow. So let's hear it, that is, if you're willing to share."