I know this is satire and that you really think its fair... But i mean cmon I shot both a sunbreaker and a stormcaller head on with the bow multiple times and it doesnt do shit. If it hits near them and pops then itll suppress, if it hits dead on it does some damage and then nothing.
I dont think thats right... It should supress them instantly if its dead on, that's the only thing i think is dumb
I definitely agree with this statement. I cant count the number of times ive hit a titan or stormcaller dead on with shadowshot and not only did they not die and super not end they wrecked me soon after. Considering you have to aim the damn thing it should instantly suppress or kill them outright.
Edited by Andy: 9/24/2015 3:43:23 PMit depend on the perk. quiver really is less useful unless you have very good aim. by the way I get insta kills on headshots. you might be doing it wrong.