Japan invented an emotional robot named "pepper". Created by Aldebaran Robotics and SoftBank Mobile, Pepper is designed "to make people happy" by enhancing their lives through building relationships and having fun. The humanoid robot can hold discussions, read emotions and imitate human behaviour such as empathy and love.
But before its sold to people, you have to sign a contract that states that you will not have sex with it.
[quote]The ownership contract states that using the robot for “the purpose of sexual or indecent behavior” breaks the rental agreement, The Daily Mail reports. This includes “having sex” with it, reprogramming it to stalk people and developing “any sexy, obscene, or violent apps or actions for Pepper.” [/quote]
I imagine it WOULD break the rental agreement. Could you imagine how awkward that would be?
I imagine each box coming shipped with a label that reads something similar to [url=]this[/url]
On that note, if the robot is capable of human emotion, I say its only a matter of time before someone creates skynet. May god help us all. On another, Japan invented a robot that acts human. I think thats pretty cool. You know, until it turns against its owners and goes on a rampage...
what do you think? Could this world get any weirder?
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(sorry for it being IGN)
Let's make a dating site!