After seeing this picture of a Taken Guardian on DeviantArt I had an idea.
Yes Griffball and Bungieball have legacy status in the company and is the product of the community's brainchild but Rift is lackluster.
Zombies in CoD and Flood in Halo saved the multiplayer experience for these games.
Destiny needs a gametype that mimics that using the Taken lore/mechanics.
12 man rumble free for all
1 starts off as a Taken Guardian only capable of using Modified Taken Nades/Melee/Super and attempts to infect the rest of the players.
Nade = Axiom bolt similar to Taken Centurion or the Area Denial Fire bombs that the Knights throw
Melee = Phalanx (lulz)
Super = Captain blinding bubble of bullshit
Thoughts on this gametype?
EDIT1: wow this is more popular than i thought
here is poll thread
Yes! Like infected in halo!
inb4 Captain blindbomb NERF PL0X!
Captain Blinding bubble of bullshit lol
Not a bad idear
Yah it would be great
Can we turn into taken? Or can the travelers powers protect us against the darkness?
Seen the taken ghosts in crucible?
Lol blinding bubble of bullshit
That actually seems pretty awesome
I think a more popular game type would be Shank Dating Sim. 11 player free for all as shanks and you try to find your soul mate on the battlefield. People say machines like shanks can't get thirsty but you'd be surprised. It would be called "I'm Fallen For You" and the loser 11th guy with no match up would be turned into a lonely Dreg with cheeto fingers Now why would you want zombies again?
King of the hill?
Let's do it
Yes plz
Yeeee ye boi
That would be fantastic, actually.
No Give us Mayhem
Bump bump bump bump bump bump
Sounds great but it doesn't seem to fit the lore
Really like the idea
Captain blinding bubble of bullshit ? more like bungie... nerf this, dont even think about anything else... nerf this, and that is literally my first time asking bungie to nerf something
I like the idea, but I don't think that it should be an infection/Flood gametype. Personally I'd want to see the return of Juggernaught from Halo, using your ideas for Taken abilities, (maybe make different ones depending on the class?) where the other players are trying to kill them to steal the Taken abilities.