originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"Would you believe me if I said the Darkness gave it to me?"
"Actually yes, but why is what I really want to know"
"Not like I want it, but I have no choice."
"But why [i]you?[/i] of all hunters, all humans, why you?"
"Because when my team fell, I was left to the Darkness."
"Where, and when?" It seems more like he wants answers about the darkness than her origins.
"Court of Oryx. After the first transmat was placed my team was first."
"And they gave it to you?"
"After getting my ass kick to hell and back."
"So why are you killing guardians?"
"They attack me, I fight back."
"So why are you wanted?"
"The Darkness took control... I... I..."
His helmet fades away, revealing a face that resembles a tron helmet. That folds away, revealing a more human-like appearance. "What happened?" He says, with a more humane voice.
"I murdered Guardians..."
"You did, or the Hive in control? We're you really just taking orders, or being controlled?" His Ghost appears and disappears in a split second, and the arc energy disappeared.
"And if I take the sword? Just remove it from your possession."
"It disintegrates and reappears on my back, just like a Hive Knights."
"And if I break it?" He genuinely seems concerned at this point, his grip loosening, but not letting go.
"You can't, I tried." She is genuinely sad.
"What did you do, and what did it respond with?
"Name it."
"Light adding? Bring it against an arc blade, or hammer of sol. You could also try to use motes of light to cancel it out."
"It corrupts everything it touched."
"Try me." He smirks, obviously having experience with objects of the darkness. He lets go, still wary, but holds out his right hand.