Welcome To The Weekly Heroic and Nightfall Strikes Finder Please Like The Topic So It Will Be Easier To Find In The Future. If You Need Help With Nightfall's or Heroics Message Me Or Add Me On Xbox, I Would Be Glad To Help Anyone Of You Guardians Out There.
[/b]- "DeMix"
- Level 40 Titan
- Level 40 Warlock
- Level 40 Hunter
[b](XB1)The God Knockers
[b]Kings Fall Normal Raid Team Finder[/b]
[b]Kings Fall Hard Raid Team Finder[/b]
[b]Trials Of Osiris Team Finder[/b]
[b]Prison Of Elders(42 Challenge)
Need one to get the exotic gun from the paradox mission HeXx RiDeZz for a invite I'm 320 hunter
Need two
Need one the get the exotic gun from the paradox mission HeXx RiDeZz for a invite
Warlock looking for nf xb1
319 Titan need 2 for nightfall Already started solo message over Xbox for invite GT: Fear King Hell
319 Titan need 2 for nightfall Already started solo message over Xbox for invite GT: Fear King Hell
Need 1 for nightfall gt same as above
315 warlock lfg
Inv for nf 318 titan
Two needed for nightfall. Message over XBL for invite, GT same as name.
320 titan LF NF message or invite
[quote]Looking for 2 for nightfall. Inv me gt same as above[/quote]
Need two for nf message Oreos are Bae for inv
Need 2. Send RICO THE JUMPER a message for inv.
Need one for nf
Need 2. Send RICO THE JUMPER a message for inv.
Nf need 2 Gt same as abv
319 warlock LF NF...GT Same as above
319 warlock LF NF...GT Same as above
Need 2. Send RICO THE JUMPER a message for inv.
Need 2 for nf. Msg same
Need 2 for nf. Msg same
Need 2 for nf. Msg same
Need two for night fall gt above
310 Titan 310 primary Experienced and can do multi runs if needed!!!! CLU7CH KOALA
308 need nightfall