[b]Phantym enters the Detective Division of the Tethyx Police Department
He walks into the locker room, and begins putting on his uniform
A light armor body suit, covered by a black trench jacket
He presses his hand against a Bio-Scanner, and it registers him, and a he feels a prick which is the Barbotine injection all officers receive
It then reads his ID[/b]
[i]Detective Second Class
August Fentom
Badge ID 20177
[b]His Tac-Pad beeps, and when he looks at it, he sees the seal of the Tethyx Police, a wolf face surrounded by the words "Protect and Serve", indicating his rank and position[/b]
[b]He holsters his T-28 Quantum, replacing the regular bullets with rubber ones, and closes his locker
He exits and goes to his assigned patrol vehicle, a P-231 Cruiser, capable of speeds of 110 MPH
Getting in and starting the engine, he drives out to go on patrol[/b]
((You can't have rantanium on just some regular old car. That kind of material is preserved for the Tin Men only since it is so rare))
[spoiler]Barbontium? I only ask because we'll be arresting Psions and the like and I don't want the car thrown[/spoiler]
((You mean barbotine? That's a liquid, and can be injected for immunity against psionics. Every Police officer in Tethyx is injected with it, so they won't be easily deterred by a Psion's attacks. So no, the car will have to be open to being thrown around, since nothing anti-psionic can cover it))
[spoiler]Alright..... I was injected though, too?[/spoiler]