originally posted in:The Roleplay League
He smirks, confident in his abilities. "Not too hard," he says, grabbing his own sword. "I'll just stop by the tower, get some better weapons, and be off."
"Good luck."
"You too." His helmet reappears, and he leaves the room, determined. He heads to the tower, obtaining various vanguard weapons, and the Dead Orbit scout rifle.
You see a Warlock flipping a Strange Coin.
Hunter-0 approaches the warlock. "Xûr isn't coming for another few hours," he says, "I suggest killing time outside."
"Hmm yes. I just like flipping this coin."
(Lokaar is the correct boss right?)
(Hmm yes.)
"Okay then" Hunter continues, equipping an Omolon hand cannon, an a Häkke sidearm. He returns to orbit and heads to the dreadnaught.