[b]S[/b]hould xbox players [b]A[/b]tempt [b]T[/b]o buy [b]I[/b]t. The only people who [b]R[/b]eally deserve it are the ones who [b]E[/b]arned it.
I earned mine on Xbox by waiting a year and running scourge of winter 100 times.
ImZooted931 earned 3 :D
Edited by Novastone: 9/25/2015 5:18:03 PMPeople should to pay attention to the lines
Satire lol
Edited by NaDer707: 9/25/2015 5:22:03 PMSign here if OP is secretly not a fgt
Buying is earning it you -blam!-
Another idiot saying "earned"
I had 13 from night falls before xur
I earned it
Xurned the shit out of it.
Edited by Mr. Fahrenheit: 9/25/2015 3:26:12 PMMuted, for using the word "earn" in destiny.
I earned the right to earn gear in destiny by earning the game when I earned the right to buy it by earning enough money working at my job as a supervisor, a position that I earned ;)
Hidden satire is a bit played out by now. Good try though.
I applaud the originality of the riddle. But not sure this is the definition of satire. At least you did do something I haven't seen before in the salty sea of Destiny forums. Bravo guardian.
I earned it from a green engram ;)
Nightfall. Finally got it dropped 2 months before TTK. Now has my highest precision kills. Earned mine. Signed.
You sly troll, so how many take the bait? 😏
Signed. Will buy from Xur with the coins that I earned.
I know this is a joke thread, but hawkmoon is my favorite gun in the game. Love that thing, even with the range hurting on it now. Remember when I got it in the VoG chest I wanted it so bad, back when ARs were beastly, used it so much. So happy I can boost some other stuff and not have to upgrade mine.
Edited by Ceramic_Knight1: 9/25/2015 3:30:02 PMEven though it's satire these posts are getting old. Like a 14 year old discovering something and not letting it go after months.
[quote][b]S[/b]hould xbox players [b]A[/b]tempt [b]T[/b]o buy [b]I[/b]t. The only people who [b]R[/b]eally deserve it are the ones who [b]E[/b]arned it.[/quote] Well you can't earn any weapon it's all rng the people who bought were probably working as hard to get hawkmoon
I had it year one and I don't care lol let them have it
lol stop please