[b]S[/b]hould xbox players [b]A[/b]tempt [b]T[/b]o buy [b]I[/b]t. The only people who [b]R[/b]eally deserve it are the ones who [b]E[/b]arned it.
I've been on these forums to long to understand these complex hidden riddles created by a dungeon dweller.
Oh my -blam!-ing god it's all RNG. YOU CANT EARN ANYTHING WHEN ITS RNG.
28 Poe drop
Technically everyone has earned it... You have to earn the strange coins to buy stuff from xur... People could say I dropped the light beyond nemesis, but some people buy it, you still have to earn the strange coins
U earn the gun by buying the game spending money on the game and playing it. Iv got over 100 hours on destiny I waited a whole year to get the hawkmoon. I got a green engram and got a monte I did a heroic strike and got a exotic engram and no I didn't have the 3 coins on and I got a year 2 hawkmoon so yes I earned mine. Of u buy from xur then u still earn ot because u played the game and earned the strange coins
I earned it the first day of ttk
I earned my coins
It's like when xur sold the gjallarhorn all over again, the scrubs that don't deserve it are praised once again
I see what you did there ;)
Yeah, Xurning scrubs. I earned mine off Draksis! 😂
I see what you did there, we'll played.
Night fall, but I'm on Xbox, so I don't care
Randomly got hawk from poe 28- Sitting in the bank since.. Woot The - hype gun
I can't wait to buy my hawk moon for 23 sc
Well I earned my coins so -blam!- yeah I'm gonna buy it and I am proud
Stfu with this crap. Nobody cares. I got mine year one from a legendary engram. I "earned" it? Then bought it with Legendary marks a week ago. Seriously. Nobody cares.
I earned three of them ;)
Gosh, the butt hurts are so real!
What is this? A copy of the old Ghorn post? Who gives a shiz...
I kind of just received it in an engram one day if that's what you mean?
Haha oh god
Satire, but I got my Hawkmoon septermber 27th in crucible, 8000 kills with that thing, the only other primsry exotic that comes close is my No Land Beyond with 1106
Some people just don't get it dude, thanks
I've been playi[b]n[/b]g since bef[b]o[/b]re day 1 and have wan[b]t[/b]ed Hawkmoon [b]s[/b]ince then. [b]A[/b]nd now I can'[b]t[/b] buy [b]i[/b]t because my PS4 is in sto[b]r[/b]ag[b]e[/b].
I earned it (from the cryparchs deceptive engram :)