I have 2 accounts,
OfficialAceRuss and OfficialTheGamer (I now use)
OfficialAceRuss has playstation plus, the dark below ( pre-ordered and owned since launch), house of wolves (pre-ordered and owned since launch), and taken king pre-ordered and owned since launch)
meaning the OfficialTheGamer should inherit everything as well. I have completed triumph, owned both dlc since they first came out, and only 1 of my accounts got the VIP when both of them should have...
I have the taken king stuff, dlc, everything on the Officialthegamer account just wondering why I'm missing my vip quest/rewards, please compensate me what I've earned & paid for thanks.
While digital rights management features allow accounts in your console to use some of your owning account's digital content, it does not provide ownership of that digital content to your other accounts, and does not guarantee promotional items/quests/etc to your secondary account(s).