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9/25/2015 2:43:15 PM

Tips for Being the Gazerunner

My friend and I have a pretty solid system down for running gaze, and I hope that it can help all of you that are having trouble. Good Gazerunners can make the fight incredibly easy. I am not covering the whole fight, as there are plenty of guides out there, this is just for Gazerunning. 1) Call out which side you want to start on and grab the gaze. 2) get into a position where the Boss fires his Axiom bombs at you in a straight line. He wont fire anything else at you. 3) as soon as you are in position, start calling out your time. the more time your partner has to prepare, the better. 4) once the timer is at 2-3 seconds, your partner needs to grab the gaze. 5) shift to a straight line of sight on Golgorath behind the next slime and attack the slime until it is almost destroyed. One or two shots from your team should drop it. 6) once the timer hits 2-3 seconds grab the gaze. 7) you shouldn't have to move and the Axiom bombs should casually float towards you single file. Start calling your time as you attack them. 8) rinse repeat 9) if you were the first to grab the gaze, once your partner grabs the gaze for their third orb jump down and help DPS the boss. 10) PROFIT We have done this three times (I know, not much) and even cleared it last night with a group who had never fought the boss before with 0 wipes. average level was 290 with the lowest person being 288. Please post any questions below. P.S. A good sniper can grab the gaze with one shot, allowing for you to grab it at 1 sec for high risk high reward DPS.

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