Just NO . . Anything Call My Dooty or Hablow is doing or has done needs to be skipped !
Bungie = halo Activision = CoD Silly person
But >THIS< game can be different, new , something better ! Not trolling, just don't think they should re-do the same old stuff.. Want that stuff, go to those games... I don't want to pay for camo\armor\guns or any other things the "OTHER" games do Publisher doesn't make the game, (just break the game) but seriously, I just wanted to point out they can come up with something NEW ! Better ! Special ! If all the games have ALL the same modes, then wouldn't we just ALL be playing the same game?!
The games already have all the same modes
Infection is Halo. Imagine you start off as a taken, and as you kill other guardians, they become taken too!
>Activision >Call of Duty