After seeing this picture of a Taken Guardian on DeviantArt I had an idea.
Yes Griffball and Bungieball have legacy status in the company and is the product of the community's brainchild but Rift is lackluster.
Zombies in CoD and Flood in Halo saved the multiplayer experience for these games.
Destiny needs a gametype that mimics that using the Taken lore/mechanics.
12 man rumble free for all
1 starts off as a Taken Guardian only capable of using Modified Taken Nades/Melee/Super and attempts to infect the rest of the players.
Nade = Axiom bolt similar to Taken Centurion or the Area Denial Fire bombs that the Knights throw
Melee = Phalanx (lulz)
Super = Captain blinding bubble of bullshit
Thoughts on this gametype?
EDIT1: wow this is more popular than i thought
here is poll thread
I used to play a lot of pvp, but after 2.0 dropped it wasn't fun because we had low intellect and low discipline and it just felt bland. Then TTK dropped and we were introduced to cheesable rift, a lot of spawn trapping and the spawn takes a million years. Everyone was playing clash instead of the objective. Made it boring. Mayhem is fun, but it doesn't seem like it will be available often. Zone control is terribly boring, because everyone is still trying to play clash in a game mode where kills don't count. Crucible went from bad to worse, glad they fixed the weapon glancing s bit. But game modes are not worth it