Left for an hour and came back to my room and to my surprise my game system was gone. I work all day to buy nice things and some PIECE OF SHIT TRASH stole the only thing I use when I come home.
Best part is it more then likely someone I know. My system is in a basement room not near any other valuable items throughout the house.
Now I can't trust my brother's or my own friends because of one stupid incident. Some days I just love this world and other days I just plain hate it.
Thank you for letting me vent and thank you even more if you took the time to read.
Update 1: Evidence is pointing to my uncle. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but odds are not in his favor. Great day when you can't trust family "That one group of people that no matter the situation they should be there for you".
Update 2: It has been confirmed that my uncle stole it. He sold it for drug money. Lesson here is drugs hurt more than just the user. Please be sure to help any of your family that he have addiction. Don't let them fall down that slippery slope.
A big thank you everyone being supportive, and even to you shit-posters ( you cared enough to keep the thread going ). We're looking into security systems, but it doesn't look like my ps3 will be returned based on the sale parameters. Also seems to be a unanimous agreement from the community to press charges.
Sorry to hear that man. Really hope your uncle gets the help he needs. I've watched many an addict sink further and further until they eventually began their journey toward recovery.
This happened to my uncle all the time, from his own son.. It's pretty bad considering he is a really good father.
Throw his ass into rehab, I don't have much sympathy for him, yes I get that drugs are addictive (I have never, and will never, do them) but go to rehab, many people have done it, your bum uncle should too
So sorry this happened, you should call the police. Your uncle obviously needs a reality check.
Piece of shit uncle, throw him in rehab, let him dry out, tell him to get his shit straight. No one has an excuse for being an addict. God, reading that pissed me off OP, not at you, just the situation. My dad was a drug addict when I was 6, I'm 21 now. I don't have any sympathy for someone who has to face issues with drugs, it just demonstrates that the person is a weak minded coward willing to destroy families, relationships, and ambition for a -blam!-ing "high".
"Duece756 has no house"
Damn sorry about that A few years ago when i lived in a pretty small house with my then girlfriend (became my wife 3 years later :) ) (we were 22 i was still in college to get a masters degree then go to medical school she was just out of college because she only went 4 years and is working at some company that pays her quite a good paycheck) I was working as a best buy employee making a good enough paycheck to sustain myself. Me and her saved up as much money as we could Eventually we got some good internet,a ps4,flatscreen tv,furniture,and a bunch of other house stuff. A few years later 3 robbers (1 with a gun who i think was ready to kill) kicked in the door and broke the frame then proceeded to rob EVERYTHING in a total of 32k stolen not to mention how they damage the back and front door frames,for some reason they started to scrape away at the walls and paint and broke floor boards in half and used a sledgehammer to break our marble counter,they broke a lot of cement. Basically the house was a complete WRECK. Luckily i decided to install cameras even when my wife was saying we dont need them If you're going to rob someones house why the -blam!- would you not wear a mask? Me and her were completly enraged and laughing at how stupid they were. Turned in footage to police They find them I press 100k in charged We get money We move the -blam!- out and buy a better home in a better neighborhood and use whatever we had left and what the robbers hadnt sold and bought the rest back. Long story short before you go to do over 60k in damages to a house you should probably oh i dont know wear a -blam!-ing mask
Shit, that sucks, dude. I hope your Uncle learns his lesson, and pays you back.
Looks like it's time to upgrade to a ps4 or XBO
Sorry to hear about that, it happened once to me also.
My hours into destiny go out to you brother.
Happened to me a few years ago. Things will come right for you.
I feel bad for ya
You in UK or US
I fell sorry for you
Uncle drew took it and balled it to profit
Sorry man
It happens. Trust no one.
Your house was broken into by the broken House of Wolves.
My tweaker brother-in-law stole all my family rifles, antiques really. Probably about 20,000$ worth. He probably got 500$. Fkn meth.
Edited by Desolator0: 9/29/2015 6:14:03 PM
damn Uncle Oryx but seriously, what powers would a Taken Playstation have?
At least you have a good reason to get a ps4 now
Set up a donation PayPal link, some of us would donate
Damn ! That sucks man.