Left for an hour and came back to my room and to my surprise my game system was gone. I work all day to buy nice things and some PIECE OF SHIT TRASH stole the only thing I use when I come home.
Best part is it more then likely someone I know. My system is in a basement room not near any other valuable items throughout the house.
Now I can't trust my brother's or my own friends because of one stupid incident. Some days I just love this world and other days I just plain hate it.
Thank you for letting me vent and thank you even more if you took the time to read.
Update 1: Evidence is pointing to my uncle. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but odds are not in his favor. Great day when you can't trust family "That one group of people that no matter the situation they should be there for you".
Update 2: It has been confirmed that my uncle stole it. He sold it for drug money. Lesson here is drugs hurt more than just the user. Please be sure to help any of your family that he have addiction. Don't let them fall down that slippery slope.
A big thank you everyone being supportive, and even to you shit-posters ( you cared enough to keep the thread going ). We're looking into security systems, but it doesn't look like my ps3 will be returned based on the sale parameters. Also seems to be a unanimous agreement from the community to press charges.
I'm sorry you had to go through this... Addiction is a horrible disease, and it hurts the family and friends as much as the addict themselves. I hope you get your shit back, and your uncle gets the help he needs...
Ouch man sorry to hear that
I hope u get it back or a new one https://youtu.be/GvdzI_Qwe7k
I'm sorry man, if I was you I would have him locked up and pay someone to stick it in his sphincter so he feels what you felt.
Make sure you file a report for stolen property. You be surprised how many Consoles get found because the idiot uses it and you can track it that way. That's actually how one of my friends got a Xbox 360 back.
Very sorry to hear man. Hopefully you can get things worked out and get your Uncle some help and get your stuff back. Best of luck to you and your family, mate.
Did he sell it on Craigslist(or something along those lines)or pawn it off
steal his drugs, then sell them, then but another console. . . This sucks man. My buddy's boozer dad stole money from me, so I feel ya bro
Drugs make good peolpe do horrible things, sorry to hear about this man i know it sucks........
If someone ever breaks into my house, they better hope I'm not there. My loaded, semi-auto 12 gauge will have some choice words for them. Let's just say they aren't going to live to take me to court for their injuries...
One shotgun shell later and he wouldn't steal anything again. In all seriousness I'm sorry about your system and uncle. Drugs hurt more than just the user.
Edited by blades of honor: 9/26/2015 1:11:13 AMReport your xbox or playstation stolen to the company, the console will be internet locked till you report back & tell them it has been returned to you. Won't do a whole lot but if its a xb1 or ps4, they will be screwed since many games require online. Even if you don't have the serial on hand, xbox or playstation should know it anyway. Your console is registered to your gt, the company gets the serial through activation of the console.
That sucks man. Me and my old high school friends had another friend from the group steal a bunch of games systems, iPods, and games from us. He had a cocaine problem.
drugs arent the problem. your uncle being a shitty human being is the problem. sorry for your predicament. but lay the blame where it belongs.
God ik how you feel. A few summers back I went to The Gathering of the Juggalos for a week long party of music and tons of other great shit. When we get back home the garage I was staying got busted into and all that was gone was my ps3 and a couple games. The dude I live with had his back door window busted in and his ps3 and a chunk of games and blurays were gone. Never found the sorry son of a bitch and I hope that he contracted ass herpes. I hope the jack off that looted your stuff suffers a very terrible fate at karmas hand. It sucks to bust your ass for a smidge of creature comforts and a bastard freaking robs your ass. My condolences man.
Man I'm sorry to hear this. That's so crazy. Family isn't family huh? It hurts to have loved ones betray for their own benefit not realizing it's hurting everyone involved. Hold your head up bro.
Damn man that sucks. My ex girlfriend's mom and stepdad are meth addicts and multiple times stole from me and her so I understand the frustration. I hope things get better for you man
That's why you get home insurance/property insurance. If anyone steals my stuff in covered and get the $$$ back ASAP. But I would whoop the shit out of him. Sorry to hear OP.
Your uncle is a dirty loser.
I feel your pain. Keep your head up, we are in similar positions.
i thought this story was going to be along the lines of "they broke into my house got on destiny and deleted my exotics.. bungie give me exotics" sorry to hear what happened though, people are scumbags & drugs r bad mmkay
Definitely best to report it and have him locked up, and push the judge to order him to rehab. Robbing relatives is step 1 - step 2 could have him breaking into a stranger's house and staring down the barrel of a gun.
At least it's better than having your house broken in two. As I somehow read the title.