Left for an hour and came back to my room and to my surprise my game system was gone. I work all day to buy nice things and some PIECE OF SHIT TRASH stole the only thing I use when I come home.
Best part is it more then likely someone I know. My system is in a basement room not near any other valuable items throughout the house.
Now I can't trust my brother's or my own friends because of one stupid incident. Some days I just love this world and other days I just plain hate it.
Thank you for letting me vent and thank you even more if you took the time to read.
Update 1: Evidence is pointing to my uncle. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but odds are not in his favor. Great day when you can't trust family "That one group of people that no matter the situation they should be there for you".
Update 2: It has been confirmed that my uncle stole it. He sold it for drug money. Lesson here is drugs hurt more than just the user. Please be sure to help any of your family that he have addiction. Don't let them fall down that slippery slope.
A big thank you everyone being supportive, and even to you shit-posters ( you cared enough to keep the thread going ). We're looking into security systems, but it doesn't look like my ps3 will be returned based on the sale parameters. Also seems to be a unanimous agreement from the community to press charges.
I know how it is I had a friend with drug problems sadly he isn't with us any more he passed about 6 months ago to drug overdose if anything jail isn't the way they need help not to be prosecuted that's my view but you do you thought I would give you my some advice but you do you hope it works out
Dude that sucks. Im sorry bro. My girlfriends 2 older siblings are junkies and they try to steal her Legitimate Scripts. Her parents have to lock anything important or valuable in a safe. I know how you feel. Hope everything gets better soon Guardian.
Edited by Elitespear: 9/26/2015 7:06:30 PMPressing charges will achieve nothing but cause you pain and cost you money.
Sorry about that man :/ I don't think it was family but I got a PS3 and 2 laptops stolen from me almost 2 years ago. My wife and I currently have 2 better laptops though and a ps4. It'll all get restored.
Having your home broken into is one of the worst feelings. But hey, you should use this opportunity to upgrade to a PS4.
Well only one thing to do grind your job for money then grind destiny again and sorry about your uncle m8 sux when family are dicks and you should press charges buttholes like him deserve prison
Lol I was looking for a punch line
Bump to let bungie see this [spoiler]maybe they'll give you a ps4 taken king edition[/spoiler]
no more destiny for the playstation druggy all playstation players are drug addicts
Edited by Jincos: 9/26/2015 5:30:11 PMYou clearly don't live in the US because the sale/purchase of stolen goods is illegal and whoever purchased the item is legally obligated to return the item. Not hard to prove the console is yours either since the PS3 is linked to your PSN account.
Damn. Happened to me when I was younger they stole my first Xbox(Original) and a bunch of other stuff it sucks
Edited by Tactical_brew: 9/26/2015 6:08:05 PMCheck your local pawn shop. That's where tweekers go after stealing. Sorry to hear man. Hope the rest of your family aren't like him. Have a better day.
Sue your uncle for a new system complete with the game,
My apologies Guardian! Hope things go well soon
You're uncle needs a beatdown. Family or not, you don't steal from your family. Sorry about his drug problem but he made it your problem by stealing your shit.
Edited by Rokon: 9/26/2015 5:40:27 PMUncles seem to be the shit people as of late. We moved to my grandma's house to take care of her until she died. We had a cat we had to get rid of but we gave it to a friend to look after. After she passed, we got our cat back but apparently we're not allowed to bring him here. So we were asked to take care of our grandma but we can't bring our cat. Funny how people think.
1. Drugs are going to kill him. 2. Jail will either help or make things worse. 3. Dead from drugs or a slim chance after jail, the choice should be clear.
Ahahahaaaahahahahahaahaahahahagahahahahahahahahahahagahahahahahahahahagahagagagagagahagahagahahagagagagagaggagagaagagagag Call the cops idiot.
Call the god damn cops. That's what they're there for...
Stepbrother did the same to myself and my sister a few years back. Stole my ps2 (that long ago lol) Later stole the family wii. Drugs completely take over someone, especially meth. He finally has turned his life around and has a family with 3 amazing kids.
Your uncle needs help. It's unfortunate that your console was stolen, but at least you're getting it back. People who are addicted to drugs do things that are out of the ordinary because the drugs control them. Don't be to harsh on him. See this as a sign to be there for your uncle in his time of need. In due time, this will all blow over, but get him help soon before it's too late. I speak from experience.
Why did you post this?