Left for an hour and came back to my room and to my surprise my game system was gone. I work all day to buy nice things and some PIECE OF SHIT TRASH stole the only thing I use when I come home.
Best part is it more then likely someone I know. My system is in a basement room not near any other valuable items throughout the house.
Now I can't trust my brother's or my own friends because of one stupid incident. Some days I just love this world and other days I just plain hate it.
Thank you for letting me vent and thank you even more if you took the time to read.
Update 1: Evidence is pointing to my uncle. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but odds are not in his favor. Great day when you can't trust family "That one group of people that no matter the situation they should be there for you".
Update 2: It has been confirmed that my uncle stole it. He sold it for drug money. Lesson here is drugs hurt more than just the user. Please be sure to help any of your family that he have addiction. Don't let them fall down that slippery slope.
A big thank you everyone being supportive, and even to you shit-posters ( you cared enough to keep the thread going ). We're looking into security systems, but it doesn't look like my ps3 will be returned based on the sale parameters. Also seems to be a unanimous agreement from the community to press charges.
That sucks man hope you get it back and he gets help
Sorry bro, sucks to be stolen from, especially when it's a family member. Hope all goes well with installing security measures. Good luck to you.
My uncle did the same thing for the same reasons. We got my system back but it was a tough time. I hope you forgive him, as drugs turn someone who is a good, kind person into a rabid dog. We are doing all we can for my uncle and so far he is getting better! He's working in a donut shop, so free donuts periodically!
Guardians!! Hear me! Let's put some money together and get our fellow guardian another PS3!!!
[i]This doesn't have to do with Destiny. You deserve it.[/i]
I'm sorry man. I'm at work currently and fear finding myself in this situation every time I unlock my front door. Hopefully your uncle will see the error in his ways soon, but I do agree with the community that you should press charges. That isn't something that you can just pass off as an accident or anything. Luckily for him he did to you rather than to a stranger or somebody else he may know and find himself looking down the barrel of a gun or something like that. I don't know your situation with him, if your close or anything but regardless, you would know what's best for yourself.
Knock him out! Otherwise he will do it again. Trust me. Same thing was going on in our house. Send a firm message.
Your uncle should definitely go to jail. Actually, you shouldn't even call him your uncle. He's a piece of shit.
Id put bars on the windows.
disown your uncle that's not family
take his ass to court and take every dime from him, thatll teach him
screw that, ill press charges
Get security kid
My shady sense in tingling
Step 1: post on social media that you've bought a new exclusive super crazy legendary system worth oodles of money. Step 2: wait a few days then post about a trip or something you're going on, park cars elsewhere etc make it look like you've disappeared. Step 3: wait. Step 4: find scumbag
file charges against the guy thats what i would do
One of my best friends broke in my house and stole roughly $10k cash and about 5k in electronics and other things.... I moved far away.
Sorry man....
I would press charges
Really sorry to hear that dude. Don't know what else to say.😔
Having your shit taken that you worked for is bad enough. Having it be family is as bad as it gets. Sorry to hear. Just save a few bucks from your checks. The money will pile up. Just don't count it for awhile. Before you know it you'll be halfway and then all the way.
Standard destiny forum reply rules state that I must: Call you a scrub Tell you its your own fault Tell you to get good Tell you stop crying like a baby just because you had your shit stolen,,wahh wahh wahh And finally tell you to just stop playing or living whatever. I hate you. How did I do??.
My Uncle passed last year due to a drug overdose, I feel ya man. He really did some bad things to my family over the years, but he's the reason I love games as much as I do, and I miss him like crazy. As OP said, ALWAYS try to help people with their drug problems. Most of the time they're using to hide pain or depression. Point is, reach out to those who might need you.
It was Taniks. He has no house, so he took yours.
I'm sorry to hear that bro. I wish I could help. It's a terrible feeling that's fersure.
I hope they step on a Lego.