Where is the satire tag on the ops post? Or did you miss post this you ignorant twat.
Do you know what a cock goblin is? The answer is you. You are a cock goblin.
[quote]#readbetweenthelines[/quote]If you aren't a grade A retard this is basically a #satire
No it isn't, read between the lines could mean about 500 things.
[b]S[/b]hould [b]A[/b]ttempt [b]T[/b]o [b]I[/b]t [b]R[/b]eally [b]E[/b]arned. He purposely made the letters large so that it should be [b]obvious[/b].
Considering it's implying that what the post says isn't what it means then yes it does mean that.