Hey guys!
Not sure if this should go in Help or Feedback. I'll move it if needed.
Today I dropped 31 strange coins to purchase a primary weapon exotic engram for my level 40 character. I go to the cryptarch. Decrypt it. Thorn!
I was super excited. I have wanted Thorn since I purchased this game almost a year ago and finally I have it! And to make this moment more exciting, I don't have any level 40 exotics yet, so this is truly a great moment.
Oh, wait. That's not level 40 at all. It's actually level 20. For my level 40 character...
I normally don't complain about things but this was really disappointing. Can anyone explain why level 20 exotics are still in the loot pool or why this happened to me? I'm so frustrated.
Well--before everyone jumps your throat, I will just politely say that it is in your best interest to keep up with the Weekly Updates and Patch notes. In a Weekly update from about two weeks ago the [b]Legacy[/b] Engram was detailed. It drops Year 1 gear for guardians who need to complete their collections. It's also helpful for people that don't have TTK.
It is a LEGACY engram...legacy =Y1. This has been well covered in the forums and was in the weekly update last week.