I have a vanguard quest for my hunter to fully upgrade my blade dancer subclass, but it turns out my sub class was already maxed out. It doesn't seem like I can actually finish the quest so I guess I'm going to have to completely restart my Hunter to get the blade dancer emblem?
If you want your EMBLEM quest line to open up you must complete your Gunslinger PVP quest line First. Once you have the Emblem for your Gunslinger you will be offered your Blade dancer Quest line. I tell everyone reading this TO GET YOUR EMBLEM FOR YOUR SUBCLASS YOU MUST DO THE PVP QUESTS FOR THEM. THEY ARE NOT VANGUARD RELATED. Thank you for reading have a nice day 😊
Thanks, much obliged. ^_^
Nope. Exit then come back.
I have, I even tried deleting the quest and accepting it again. .-.
You have to change some abillities around in your subclass. I put on hungering blade on my bladedancer then went back to tower.
I did switch around my powers but I really just need to leave and come back after I've done that?
Yes. It worked when I did it.
Awesome, thanks! I'll give it a try then.
I'm sorry I don't know what to tell ya.