I'm not bashing on Titans, I want to know what makes Sunbreaker a balanced sub-class. We know what makes Sunbreaker a "OP" subclass so my question to all of you is what makes it balanced.
Edit 1: Why is this being downvoted?
Edit 2: Some of you need to realize that I'm simply asking a question, nothing more.
Edited by Blooddrunk123: 9/28/2015 8:44:13 PMBecause 90% of the perks in the tree revolve around the super itself. Lets compare it to Bladedancer since these two supers are quite similar in a sense. Bladedancer has: - Quickdraw -Fleet Footed -Blink -A range of invisibility perks that has good synergy with Arc Blade and Blink Strike. Alot of the choices available are passive abilities that allow the Bladedancer to be very effective without ever having to use their super. Whereas the Sunbreaker's passive abilities are: -Fleet fire -Simmering Flames. Yes these perks are strong, but you would have a rough time trying to win a game as a Sunbreaker without ever using your super. Thats also assuming you chose these options in their trees. Say you chose Flameseeker in place of Fleetfire and Cauterize in place of Simmering Flames, you have an entire build based around one thing, there super itself. You replace passive abilities for one really strong offensive weapon. Without the Hammer of Sol itself, Sunbreaker Titans are a little underwhelming. The only change that could possibly be done would be to lower the armor benefit from Hammer of Sol, anything else could give Titans the Auto Rifle treatment.
I didn't make this btw: Lol. Titan complain about bladedancer: Agreed, gets nerfed Titans complain about ram: Agreed, gets nerfed Titans complain about Axion bolt: Agreed, gets nerfed Titans complain about arc bolt grenades: Agreed, gets nerfed Titans complain about Fusion grenades: Agreed, gets nerfed Hunters and Warlocks complain about Fist of Havoc killing you while you 7 feet in the air: Titans call them butthurt, no nerf Hunters and Warlocks complain about Sunbreaker having too much amour and ask for it to be brought down a little to balance out supers (seems fair since bladedancer was nerfed): Titans go full butthurt defence mode, activate all scrub burners and reply to OPs thread for 8 hours straight calling him an idiot. Never go full Titan.
It's ok because 1) That super is mostly ground based. There are plenty of ways to avoid it (unless you are in a small room). 2) It can be canceld with a void bow. 3) Titans in general are pretty easy targets They are op in some situations but far from all.
[quote]The new Titan subclass has had a bit of controversy surrounding it buy hunters and Titans alike the main argument is that the sun-breaker bonus armor whip the super is active is to much I am going to swing your opinion away from that. The nights talker subclass specializes in non super modification like keen scout and shadestep which are active all the way time. Night stalker also has very control based grenades and a mele that is almost as good as a flash bang from a striker Titan and a super made to counter supers (although it does take a while for the tether to connect) The sun breaker sub class is specializing in buffing your super almost every node modifies how the super works to make it stronger and quick grenades to help a Titan push up through a fight. So next time you see a sun breaker pull a super that they may have 2-3 times a game and get 3-5 easy kills while you are getting a constant kill stream by shadesteping and tracking around walls just tether them and be done with it. In short the sun breaker sub class probably doesn't need a nerf the sub class mew are fine if anything needed a change just changer the amount of time it takes for a tether from a shadowshot to connect because a subclass For anyone that cares I main a hunter and have mained a hunter sense day one Also blackspindel can one shot head shot a sun breaker for anyone who cares[/quote]
I find the balance to be quite excellent when I throw mine. It always strikes just where I want it to.
It's basically gives the Titans something on par with Bladedancer and Stormcaller
Its not
Shoulda guessed you are only serious with your hunter...go figure.
You don't even have a titan. I'm not sure how you can day something isn't balanced if you haven't used it
Search the definition of Titan we should be op
The same thing that previously made hunters in general a "balanced" class in pvp? They weren't balanced and never have been. Nothing changed then so can we not just move on?
Edited by Poloboyz93: 9/28/2015 5:07:06 PMIt's balanced because most idiots can't understand the crosshairs resulting in failed hammers thrown, and each hammer you throw takes a chunk out of your super. I mean you could put on tracking hammers but you lose out on duration so thats even less hammers thrown. I mean dude..Supers are GONNA get klls, that's what they're there for, Garunteed kills(For the most part) I dont see you complaining when you get super kills, besides, it's not like they're a constant thing, there's a 5min cooldown in a 10min game,
I find it strange that once another class becomes dominant in a certain area of this game (especially PvP) everyone that doesn't main that class gets infuriated and demands a nerf. Why? HoS is finally a good class to use in PvP for titans (bubble was incredibly weak against other supers, and FoV has the potential of killing all players, yes, but who's stupid enough to be clumped together) Hunters have to amazing supers for PvP, and finally get something good for PvE. Nobody says how good it is for PvE, because "who cares; it's not my business. I only play PvP." Nobody wanted a nerf for hunters, except for blink. (titans dont have blink) Warlocks had self rez which is amazing for trials, and is an absolute tank of a super when used offensively. Voidwalker is similiar to FoH as it only kills 1 - 2 people mostly. Then they get the lightning super, which is fantastic in PvP and especially in PvE against adds, and nobody seems to complain as it's easy to kill with a shotgun. (which is all PvP is filled with)
What makes the sunbreaker balanced is the fact that his whole skill tree is built towards the strong super that they have. they have no skill enhancing perks like blink, slide further, enhanced motion tracker, increased stability on precision kills, shoulder charge, 2 grenades, to melees (knives), good melee, enemies burn longer, increase blast radius on grenades (and super). If you nerf the sunbreaker subclass, it will be ruined for PvP AND PvE. I main a titan, but i don't want to run defender all the time. I want to be able to kill stuff as well or at least have the option to do so. if we get a damage reduction in PvP or any other kind of nerf, it will also be a nerf for PvE and the sunbreaker can and will get overrun by ads and it will be a useless class! and sorry if i say so, but in 6v6 crucible you should be able to take down ONE sunbreaker, otherwise you guys suck!!! (i am no PvP god, but i managed to kill already a few titans in their super). it just takes a different strategy to take him down than a bladedancer. you cant fight a sunbreaker in close combat. you need to run away and shoot hin from distance. put a sniper bullet into hin and then switch to primary and unload. if you only run around the map with a shotgun as your primary (you suck by the way), then you might want to get used to running away once in a while. anyways, if you nerf the sunbreaker, then give him other perks such as shoulder charge or blink or increased stability that don't build towards super. then a nerf might be justified, but not before! and -blam!-ing improve the titan's melee attack!! he should have the strongest melee attack of all the classes!
ITS 100% BALANCED!!!! You guys just found another reason to hate on titans!!! If anything the warlock lighting is just as OP!
It's only "OP" if you run towards a sunbreaker like a tard, I've came across so many people trying to kill me while I had the super+cauterize on, it's a pain to see so many idiots not running, when I see a super I run my ass away, jumping and such so the hammers miss and the super goes away quicker. [spoiler]Please don't go solo against a sunbreaker. As a sunbreaker, I also tried going towards 3 people with my super, they all shot at me and I died, it isn't OP if you have teamwork. scrubs[/spoiler]
Anyone who can't kill a sunbreaker, is doing it wrong. Have you tried peregrine grieves? How about Khepri's sting? Nothing manacles? Final round headshot? Ahamkara's spine (double tripmine)? Suppressor grenades? Shadowshot? If none of the above work, try this [spoiler]Run[/spoiler] And if that doesn't work, try [spoiler]not complaining that a tank class has more armor than an agility or recovery based class[/spoiler]
It is balanced by being a Super. It's not like he runs with Hammers ALL the time. It's once or twice in a match. Just git gud killing him.
How is golden gun balanced? Hammers have travel time and are way harder to aim. Suck it, Titans finally have a decent medium/long range super. Deal with it.
Edited by Guardian1595: 9/28/2015 2:43:35 PMI just don't understand why people care that much. Are you killed by Hammer SOOOO much that it ruins destiny for you? (I main a hunter BTW)
The best is when you see a Titan that is so used today of panic they pop their super with low health and you hit em with a shotgun. T bagging ensues
Edited by Joker: 9/28/2015 1:38:08 PMThe way you hunters mains make it sound, comes off like Titans are in their Super from the moment the game starts, to the very moment the game ends. This is not the case, most times a Titan gets One maybe Two Supers a game, that's what? 20 seconds of super (maybe) every 5 minutes. What does the class have for the other 4 minutes and 40 seconds? Blink? Speed? Utility? Smoke bombs? Tracking Nades? Invisibility? Over-shield on hit (not kill)? Ranged melee? Do you see what I am saying? For 99% if the game the Titan doesn't have the same bag of tricks the other classes do, they have gun-skill that's it. Titans have ONE thing, ONE MOMENT. Hunters and Warlocks have the entire game. You want to nerf HoS? Take away everything a Titan doesn't have from the other classes, THEN you will have balance.
The same way every other "super" is balanced. They're not. They're supers. They're supposed to be OP. Know what I do when I hear a Sunbreaker activate? The same thing I do when I hear a Blade Dancer or any other super activate. I run in the opposite direction. I'd be stupid to think I could kill them with a sniper or shotgun most of the time. Ya, you can get lucky and hit them occasionally, but the majority of the time, that super is going to own your ass. Play smart.
Edited by Doctor Destiny: 9/28/2015 2:15:26 PMI would agree that since most of the subclass revolves around empowering its super, it should have an effective super for both PvP and PvE. The subclass as a whole seems balanced, the super is not but can be justified. Supers only last what? 15 seconds or so anyway.
It's balanced because the dev team took in a bunch of factors when creating the new subclasses but giving each perk a value based of its usefulness and the goal is to have those totals all be around each other. Standard procedure for classes in an mmo