I'm not bashing on Titans, I want to know what makes Sunbreaker a balanced sub-class. We know what makes Sunbreaker a "OP" subclass so my question to all of you is what makes it balanced.
Edit 1: Why is this being downvoted?
Edit 2: Some of you need to realize that I'm simply asking a question, nothing more.
It's balanced because the dev team took in a bunch of factors when creating the new subclasses but giving each perk a value based of its usefulness and the goal is to have those totals all be around each other. Standard procedure for classes in an mmo
Take PVP out of the game..... (fix a lot of problems with one simple change)
I'm literally just down-voting, reporting, and muting all of you who post this topic. This is getting ridiculous.
Edited by Diddy Party Survivor: 9/28/2015 1:35:45 PMHunter's can counter both supers but they always say hammer of sol and stormcaller are op. I've seen some hunters counter us but they still say we're op and idk why
No abilities to lean back on outside superplay. All the other classes can spec to alter their performance, Sunbreakers? Not at all. Not one single ability that makes mid game any different from playing an unleveled class.
Cause is a super. Saying the Titans hammer is OP is like saying a golden gun is OP. It's a super and should be left alone.
Hunters are "balanced"
The fact that the entire subclass is built around the super. Grenades, melee and movement are all still mediocre compared to Hunters and Warlocks. For 15-20 seconds the tank class is literally a tank but other than that what are you doing for the rest of the match that you can't beat a Sunbreaker?
The rest of the class is shit without the super
Well, now that you mention balance... it [i]is[/i] actually a bit heavy on the hilt. But you get used to it pretty fast. Then it's just all about that little flick of the wrist as it leaves your hand, you know?
I can't help but laugh, because almost no one can actually come up with a way they [b]ARE[/b] balanced
The fact that the whole subclass is based around the super. Check its passives. Not a single one provides any major benefits without it. Other classes have passives that boost abilities on their own. Without the hammer, the Sunbreaker has Lift, a grenade (Not a bolt grenade), and a God awful melee; that's about it. If the hammer gets nerfed, the entire class gets its wings clipped; but if others get nerfed, they can brush it off with relative ease because of those passives. The issue is, people don't read the class as a whole, and cry for nerfs without taking a second to think logically for a moment. Not surprising, given the player base, but even then you'd think someone would have some common sense.
So, just for the record there have been two people to answer your question thus far, with rather reasonable responses I might add. They've just been buried beneath all this.... stuff.
Pressing all trigger at same time throwing like 100 hammers ;)
I don't see why it's not. I've been killed multiple times by golden gun this past weekend, at full health too.
I really don't know. It looks really heavy. I'm sure it'd just fall over.
It isn't balanced. Anyone who says differently just wants a broken crucible. I see it being nerfed, just like all other subclasses that were broken in crucible.
The super isn't op or the subclass it's the damage resistance in the super that needs to be looked at.
Isn't this the whole point of supers though? They're meant to be op....
Sunbreaker has one of the strongest supers currently. There's no denying that. However it is balanced with the rest of the class being lackluster. Grenades are mediocre. The melee range is - 5 feet. No real special abilities at all.
Edited by GangerGrunt: 9/28/2015 11:49:07 AMTravel time small explosion and is in an arch. It'd be OP if it instantly hit the enemy and went into a straight line. I also forgot to add had a huge explosion
Edited by a.: 9/28/2015 11:27:51 AM#HunterBuddies! But anyways. Sun breakers are OP in PvP. That's where we're talking right? So why don't we just cut down their health? No but seriously, Sinbreakers should not be able to take a whole GG shot, and a sniper with LDR Impact or higher. It's just not fair we can't defend ourselves from such a monstrous super. Sinbreakers say they aren't OP so let's hear how. Hit me! (On a side note, I literally just read OPs post, and put some unprofessionalism into it.) *Sunbreakers, dammit auto correct.
Because it's the only subclass I have that lets the tank be a tank for a few seconds. Unless you want to count defender as tanking, which I don't.
Well the how is storm caller or blade dancer balanced? It's time Titans get an op class.
The only thing that makes them unbalanced is their insane armor. Then again, they are Titans, so having a ton of armor fits the class.