-Theron starts walking around Neo-Centra looking at any odd behaving synths while Hashmael is on a roof top checking the synth database for the conciousness (-5chips)
Theron does not manage to find any Synths active in the Neo-Centran streets, and after Hasmael manages to get through the firewall of the network, he does find a corrupted consciousness signal in the streets of Tokyo Town.
Edited by BlindSwift: 9/26/2015 1:04:29 AM-Hasmael informs Theron and they both head toward Tokyo town-
In the Tokyo Town streets, there doesn't seem to be any pale-skinned bald men with vibrant blue eyes anywhere. You have to search for more clues or information on where this guy is.
-Theron starts talking to local's asking about an odd synth looking person while hasmael searches for any active signal's nearby (-2 data)
-over tac pad- " hey theron its daego and i need help to find a lead on a corrupted synth"
[i]"Yeah we found a lead in Neo-Centra"[/i]
" yeah eff that you know i can hear that crap lie. You pick up a thing or- what really? I hate it there. You sure? Ughhhh talk to you later theron"