"Ooh... shiny gems... so pretty..."
[b]A'Karo gazes in wonder at the gems.[/b]
*walks over holding an arrow that's about ready to burst into flames* I hope both of you can contain yourselves until we get back to the ship
[spoiler]if only you'd stop grinding the pussy you just met[/spoiler]
*stares at you then at Python while collecting a sample from the plant residue on the wall* Lust seems to be on the all time high in this lifetime
"Hmm? Oh! Well, I like pretty gems!" [b]she giggles.[/b] "Are you a friend of Python?"
"His name's Lethal. He's somewhat insane." He smiles down at her and pulls her close.
Yes..and I can smell your recent "interaction" with him it's very strong *mixes the residue into a vial turning the contents black with occasional pulses of green and white*
"Well, these things happen." [b]she shrugs.[/b] "It's only natural."
Yes you're right but you just met him...oh well everyone does odd things at one point
"Well, aren't you a judgy one?" [b]she sounds annoyed.[/b] "Let me live my own life, I'll let you live your own. Got it?"
I'm not exactly alive considering how many times I've tried killing myself but being stopped at the last minute by someone *stares at a gem on the wall and becomes unresponsive*
"O-Kay then..." [b]she turns her attention to python.[/b]
*picks up my bow and pulls an arrow from the quiver on my back* To live is to die. To die is to live
"Um... sure... whatever...." [b]She looks at the formation on the wall.[/b]
Pure becomes impure. Impure is pure *stares at the arrow*
[b]she doesn't say anything, simply focusing on python, ignoring Lethal at this point.[/b]
If you were to hit the mark you must aim a little above it. Every arrow that flies feels the pull of the earth *gets up and walks over to a gem on the wall*
He looks at you, then back at A'Karo. "Lethal, don't creep her out, please." He chuckles a bit.
It's my job to creep people out but if you want me to stop I suppose I shall *takes a syringe and fills it with the contents of the vial*
"Do what you want, just don't be too creepy."
Ok...and umm I have no idea if this'll kill me or give me back my demonic energies *sticks my vein with the syringe and waits for my blood to go inside before injecting*
"Best of luck, dude."
Luck isn't my strong suit but it could be yours *sits down and inspects my bow*
"Lethal! We're moving on! Let's go!" Python and A'Karo are already walking down the hallway.