originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[b]A lone female hunter is seen scouting the Cosmodrome Mothyards for anything, they look at a small pile of plane debris on the ground and move it off of whatever may lurk under it, nothing. A small frown creeps onto her covered face and she takes out a small data recorder before speaking into it. [/b]
"Day 30, low saturation of Fallen, encountered a guardian today, no, not a guardian. Strange how things work... Anyways, he tried harassing me to which I replied by putting a bullet in his head. I'm not blaming anyone though."
[b]She presses a button labeled with a red circle before putting it into a pouch on her armor and whispering softly about things she'd rather forget. She couldn't trust anyone after that event, they were possibly out to kill her. Something needed to be done.[/b]
Edited by Alpha: 9/26/2015 12:53:39 PM*Erased*
Edited by Alpha: 9/26/2015 12:53:48 PM[b]a ship falling towards to mothyards, crashes and explodes, shatters into pieces but somehow floats[/b] "Goddamn it ghost! I thought you repaired them!" [i]Oh, shut up. And i've never said that to you.[/i] "Whatever. You can reconstruct them, right?" [i]Of course. But, need some time.[/i] "Great."
[b]She laughs at the scene, amused somehow by the crash. She stands up and leans against a rusted plane while checking her weapons.[/b]
[i]Look, she laughs because of your obvious stupidty.[/i] "Shut up ghost. And, yet i'm stupid, how the hell i can get more score than Warlocks? Huh?" [i]Because you are specially stupid.[/i]
"And it's a Titan, great. You know, you should've used a bubble to stop it; don't they always stop things?" [b]She laughs hysterically from her own words, though it may have been a bad joke, she deserved a bit of a break from the constant data managing.[/b]
"Haha. I hope so but when i try to use void, it's always like this." [b]Void Light emerged and violently Explodes, damaging him.[/b]
"I can use it better, it's something you wouldn't see all that often; a hunter that has control over void energy." [b]She stares at the Titan and has trouble keeping a straight face due to his failed attempts at everything it seems.[/b]
"Oh, A Nightstalker? Or more than that?"
"A Nightstalker, it's rather effective if I do say so myself." [b]Multiple Hive Tombships appear on the sky, they slow down quickly over their location and start descending, odd for a Hive ship.[/b]
"Yeah. So, why Hive tombships are here?"
"Just... Don't shoot them." [b]They land as sections of the ships' hulls extend into ramps, multiple high ranking Hive Knights walk out of the ship, followed by the higher ranked sword bearers. And last but not certainly least; the Deathsingers . The lowest ranked Knights give a right handed salute with their eyes locked into the hunter, the sword bearers bowing in a formal manner and the Deathsingers also bowing. [/b]
"Yeah. Are you sure they won't going to blow the shit out of me?" [b]Alpha Lowers his gun[/b]
"They won't, trust me." [b]She walks up to the Hive as they keep saluting, she nods in approval and a Deathsinger approaches her, they then begin talking in what sounds like the Hive's language.[/b]
Edited by Alpha: 9/26/2015 3:03:41 PM[b]Alpha spokes Hive language very abnormally.[/b] "Good thing to learn this language."
[b]A hive knight aims it's weapon at Alpha, obviously frustrated by the interruption.[/b] "[i]Go ahead, try it. You won't see the light ever again...[/i]" [b]Something about his words tell Alpha that he's not joking around.[/b]
"Oh wait. A knight that only threaten servant of the Light? Interesting." [i]Yeah. And just shut up or you will get us killed. He could be being polite because she is here.[/i]
"[i]If she wants you to die, we will kill you. If you dare threaten her, we kill you. We would never harm her.[/i]" [b]The Knight lowers his weapon and keeps his gaze on Alpha, studying him. The oddly armored Deathsingers watching aswell.[/b]
Edited by Alpha: 9/26/2015 3:19:28 PM"Relax, i don't want to die. Hey, i guess you are some sort of high-ranked hive? Like Crota?"
[b]The female hunter turns to Alpha and starts speaking English.[/b] "I'm a Daughter of Oryx, actually. Now you know why the Deathsingers respect me." [b]She takes off her helmet and takes off the hood of her cloak before staring at the Cosmodrome's afternoon sky blankly,[/b]
"Great. King's Daughter. Well, i hope he wouldn't gaze into this realm."
"We'll see I guess, most things about my past would be too disturbing for you to know, most things on the Dreadnaught are things that you'd rather forget." [b]Several low ranking acolytes walk out if the ship prodding a cabal centurion, with long, jagged staffs, they then kick it onto the ground past the Knights and it lie on the ground, breathing but refusing to move.[/b]
"Yeah. I heard that he is pissed off because my fire- oh shit." [i]Great job. Now you are just craved your grave.[/i] "Can you just forgot that one?"
Edited by Rimidalv Nisom: 9/26/2015 3:36:12 PM"I don't have a short attention span so... No, I can't forget it." [b]She walks over to the Centurion and gestures for 2 Deathsingers to come over to the Cabal, they reach the Centurion and start performing a ritual of sorts, a black and white orb of energy forms above the helpless Cabal and the Centurion is sucked into it, never to return in it's current state atleast.[/b] "You certainly don't want to be that guy."
"Yeah. Poor guy." [i]And that guy will be your future, idiot.[/i] "Probably."
"If you threaten the King that will be you." [b]The Deathsingers nod and the knights glare at Alpha with their 3 eyes, almost looking like morse code from a distance.[/b]